Presenting an introduction to elementary structural analysis methods and principles, this book will help readers develop a thorough understanding of both the behavior of structural systems under load and the tools needed to analyze those systems. Throughout the chapters, they'll explore both statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures. And they'll find hands-on examples and problems that illustrate key concepts and give them opportunity to apply what they've learned. Jack McCormac presents elementary analysis methods and principles, as well as use of computational software, so you can develop a thorough understanding of both the behavior of structural systems under load and the tools engineers use to analyze those systems. You'll explore both statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures, and gain valuable experience with professional software. Throughout the text, hands-on examples and problems illustrate key concepts and give you the opportunity to apply what you've learned. Highlights of the Fourth Edition: The load sections of Chapter 2 and 3 are revised to conform to SEI/ASCE 7-02 as well as to the 2003 International Building Code. + The matrix chapters (Chapters 22-25) are completely revised and substantially expanded. Matrix notation and methods of equation solving are used in many examples to facilitate solving the equations. + Includes many new homework problems. Many of the existing homework problems are revised. + Covers classical methods such as influence lines, conjugate-beam analysis for deflections, and approximate methods and slope deflection for statically indeterminate structures. + Features many illustrations graphically showing the principles discussed as well as detailed examples with clear explanations of the procedures. + The accompanying website includes the educational version of SAP2000 structural analysis software as well as the author-developed SABLE (Structural Analysis and Behavior for Learning Engineering) Software.