Advanced Concrete Technology: Constituent Materials

John Newman, B. S. Choo ... 288 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (October, 2003) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0750651032 - ISBN-13: 978-0750651035 ...

Based on the Institute of Concrete Technology's advanced course, the Advanced Concrete Technology series is a comprehensive educational and reference resource for the concrete materials technologist. An expert international team of authors from research, academia, and industry have come together to produce this unique reference source. This first volume deals with the constituent materials of concrete. With worked examples, case studies and illustrations throughout, the book will be a key reference for the concrete specialist for years to come. Expert international authorship ensures the series is authoritative + Case studies and worked examples help the reader apply their knowledge to practice + Comprehensive coverage of the subject gives the reader all the necessary reference material.

Advanced Concrete Technology: Constituent Materials, John Newman, B. S. Choo

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