Design of Buildings for Wind: A Guide for ASCE 7-10

Emil Simiu ... 352 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 2nd edition (September, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470464925 - ISBN-13: 978-0470464922 ...

ASCE 7 is the US standard for identifying minimum design loads for buildings and other structures. ASCE 7 covers many load types, of which wind is one. The purpose of this book is to provide structural and architectural engineers with the practical state-of-the-art knowledge and tools needed for designing and retrofitting buildings for wind loads. The book will also cover wind-induced loss estimation. This new edition include a guide to the thoroughly revised, 2010 version of the ASCE 7 Standard provisions for wind loads; incorporate major advances achieved in recent years in the design of tall buildings for wind; present material on retrofitting and loss estimation; and improve the presentation of the material to increase its usefulness to structural engineers. Key features: * New focus on tall buildings helps make the analysis and design guidance easier and less complex. * Covers the new simplified design methods of ASCE 7-10, guiding designers to clearly understand the spirit and letter of the provisions and use the design methods with confidence and ease. * Includes new coverage of retrofitting for wind load resistance and loss estimation from hurricane winds. * Thoroughly revised and updated to conform with current practice and research.

Design of Buildings for Wind: A Guide for ASCE 7-10 Standard Users and Designers of Special Structures, Emil Simiu

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