Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures

Tapan K. Sen ... 404 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (July, 2009) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470017554 - ISBN-13: 978-0470017555 ...

This book provides a practical guide to the basic essentials of earthquake engineering with a focus on seismic loading and structural design. Benefiting from the author's extensive career in structural and earthquake engineering, dynamic analysis and lecturing, it is written from an industry perspective at a level suitable for graduate students. Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures is organised into four major sections: introduction to earthquakes and related engineering problems, analysis, seismic loading, and design concepts. From a practical perspective, reviews linear and non-linear behaviour, introduces concepts of uniform hazard spectra, discusses loading provisions in design codes and examines soil-structure interaction issues, allowing the reader to quickly identify and implement information in a working environment. Discusses probabilistic methods that are widely employed in the assessment of seismic hazard, illustrating the use of Monte Carlo simulation with a number of worked examples. Summarises the latest developments in the field such as performance-based seismic engineering and advances in liquefaction research.

Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures, Tapan K. Sen

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