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Stone Matrix Asphalt: Theory and Practice

Krzysztof Blazejowski ... 344 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (November, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1439819718 - ISBN-13: 978-1439819715

In the years since the development and subsequent success of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), a plethora of articles have emerged, scattered throughout various publications. The time is right for a comprehensive resource that collects, examines, and organizes this information and makes it easily accessible. A compilation and distillation of the latest knowledge available, Stone Matrix Asphalt: Theory and Practice describes SMA, from its origin through implementation, and explores various methods and design approaches. Detailing the requirements and materials for the mix, including asphalt binder, aggregates, and stabilizers, the book covers standard and alternative design methods and their execution, as well as best practices and production processes. It addresses issues such as permanent deformation and fatigue resistance, as well as special applications, such as bridge deck surfacing and airfields. The book uses practical examples to illustrate theory, presents practical tips useful in everyday work, and includes a review of problems that can occur during laydown, and their potential solutions.

Stone Matrix Asphalt: Theory and Practice, Krzysztof Blazejowski

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