Structural Concrete Finite Element Analysis for Limit State Design

M. D. Kotsovos, M. N. Pavlovic ... 512 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing (January, 1995) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727720279 - ISBN-13: 978-0727720276.

A review of available experimental data on the behaviour of concrete at both the material and structural levels reveals the unavoidable development of triaxial stress conditions prior to failure which dictate the collapse and ductility of structural concrete members; moreover - and in contrast with widely-accepted tenets - it can be shown that the post peak-stress behaviour of concrete as a material is realistically described by a complete and immediate loss of load-carrying capacity.

Structural Concrete Finite Element Analysis for Limit State Design, M. D. Kotsovos, M. N. Pavlovic

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