Árpád Kézdi, László Rétháti ... 368 pages - Publisher: Elsevier Science; (September, 1988) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0444989293 - ISBN-13: 978-0444989291 ...
This is the third volume of a handbook which covers the whole field of
soil mechanics, discussing deterministic and stochastic theories and
methods, and showing how they can be used in conjunction with one
another. The first volume discusses soil physics, while the second deals
with the determination of physical characteristics of the soil.
Australian Mining wrote of the Handbook ``a valuable addition to the
extensive literature on the topic and will be found to be more useful
than most.'' The main objective of the third volume is to present
solutions to the problems of engineering practice. It deals with the
most important theoretical and practical problems of soil mechanics,
discussing the following in detail: stability of earthworks,
load-bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations, design of
pile foundations, soil mechanics in road construction, improving the
physical properties of soils, the characteristics of soil dynamics,
foundations for machines and soil behaviour as affected by earthquakes.
The book not only presents up-to-date deterministic methods, but also
discusses solutions of probability theory in the fields of design and
safety. The book is divided into six chapters covering the
stability of slopes, landslides, load-bearing capacity and settlement of
shallow foundations and pile foundations, soil mechanics in road
construction, and the improvement of the physical characteristics of
soil with special emphasis on machine foundations and earthquakes,
giving detailed treatment of each subject. For example, the first
chapter deals not only with the stability of slopes, but also discusses
the natural and artificial effects, slope protection, filter design,
stresses in embankments, and the time factor. In this way, the book
gives a clear and comprehensive picture of the special fields of soil
mechanics and its subjects. It is therefore emminently suitable for
postgraduate engineers, and engineers working in the fields of
geotechnics, earthworks, foundations, road construction, engineering
geology and statistics, and the design of structures.