Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface Drainage

L. David Suits, James B. Goddard, John S. Baldwin ...
121 pages - Publisher: ASTM International; (March 1, 2000)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0803128606 - ISBN-13: 978-0803128606

This unique volume provides new information on the testing, application, and installation of geosynthetics used in drainage applications in roadway and landfills. 9 papers divided into 3 sections cover the following: Field Performance Studies--examines the performance of 3 different geocomposite materials. They include a geonet with a geotextile, a geopipe wrapped with a geotextile, and geocomposite capillary drain barrier. Pavement Design And Drainage--describes the use of geocomposite drainage layers in the base and subgrade of a roadway system, the use of geosynthetics in pavement drainage in cold climates, the development of performance-based specifications for highway edge drains, and some key installation issues on the use of geocomposite edge drain systems. Testing--explores 4 different laboratory testing programs to evaluate different aspects of geosynthetic drainage systems. They include the laboratory testing of a toe drain with a geotextile sock, two reports on a modified gradient ratio test system with micro pore pressure transducers inserted into the system, and a discussion on the influence of test conditions on transmissivity test results for geotextile drains. STP 1390 is a valuable resource for engineers in the following fields: geotechnical, geosynthetic, transportation, hydraulics, pavement, sanitary, and environmental. Also for civil engineering consultants, project inspectors, and testing agencies.

Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface Drainage, L. David Suits, James B. Goddard, John S. Baldwin

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