Textbook of Engineering Drawing

K. Venkata Reddy ...
358 pages - Publisher: BS Publications; 2nd edition (2008)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 8178001497 - ISBN-13: 978-8178001494

Contents:  Foreword. Preface. 1. Drawing instruments and accessories. 2. Lettering and dimensioning practices. 3. Scales. 4. Geometrical constructions. 5. Orthographic projections. 6. Projection of solids. 7. Development of surfaces. 8. Intersection of surfaces. 9. Isometric projection. 10. Oblique and perspective projections. 11. Conversion of Isometric views to orthographic views and vice versa. 12. Sections of solids. 13. Freehand sketching. 14. Computer Aided Design and Drawing (CADD). Worksheets. Annexure. Objective Type Questions. Answers. Model Question Papers. Salient Features Provided simple step by step explanations to motivate self study of the subject. Free hand sketching techniques are provided. Worksheets for free hand practice are provided. A new chapter on Computer Aided Design and Drawing (CADD) is added.

Textbook of Engineering Drawing, K. Venkata Reddy

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