Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook

R. Kerry Rowe ... 1087 pages - Publisher: Springer; (November, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1461356997 - ISBN-13: 978-1461356998.

This handbook aims to discuss, in one vol- Notwithstanding the effort that was made to ensure that each chapter is as correct as ume, a wide array of topics that have entered practicable, there is little doubt that some er- the mainstream of geopractice (i. e. geotech- nical and geoenvironmental engineering) rors (typographical or otherwise) will creep over the past two decades, while at the same into a document of this size, especially in its time not losing sight of the more conven- first printing. Readers are requested to advise tional aspects of the discipline that remain a the undersigned of any errors (typographical core part of the work of geoprofessionals. or otherwise) or significant omissions they These topics range from conventional satu- identifY-to the extent possible they will be rated soil mechanics, to unsaturated soil be- corrected in subsequent printings. havior, rock mechanics, hydrogeology and I am indebted to the numerous contribu- geosynthetics. The book deals with pave- tors to this book who have labored, in their ments, shallow and deep foundations, em- "spare time" to produce a manuscript, re- bankments, slopes, retaining walls, buried spond to editorial and reviewer comments, and helped provide what I hope will be useful structures, dynamics and earthquakes, risk assessment and management, contaminant contributions to the profession. transport, groundwater monitoring, and con- Finally, lowe a deep debt of gratitude to tainment, treatment and remediation of con- my family (Kathy, Katrina, Kieron and Ken- taminated sites.

Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook, R. Kerry Rowe

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