John A. Hudson, John P. Harrison ...
456 pages - Publisher: Elsevier Science; 1st edition (June, 2000) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0080438644 - ISBN-13: 978-0080438641 ...
Engineering rock mechanics is the discipline used to design structures
built in rock. These structures encompass building foundations, dams,
slopes, shafts, tunnels, caverns, hydroelectric schemes, mines,
radioactive waste repositories and geothermal energy projects: in short,
any structure built on or in a rock mass. Despite the variety of
projects that use rock engineering, the principles remain the same.
Engineering Rock Mechanics clearly and systematically explains the key
principles behind rock engineering. The book covers the basic
rock mechanics principles; how to study the interactions between these
principles and a discussion on the fundamentals of excavation and
support and the application of these in the design of surface and
underground structures. Engineering Rock Mechanics is recommended as an
across-the-board source of information for the benefit of anyone
involved in rock mechanics and rock engineering.