FineSoftware GEO5 2016

GEO5 is a powerful software suite for solving geotechnical problems based on traditional analytical methods and Finite Element Method (FEM). Individual programs verify a specific structure, which keeps them intuitive and easy to use.

Solutions for Most Geotechnical Tasks: GEO5 is designed to solve most geotechnical tasks, from the basic ones (verification of foundations, walls, slope stability), up to highly specialized programs (analysis of tunnels, building damage due to tunneling, rock stability). Each GEO5 program solves definite structure type, so the customer can only select those he needs.

User-Friendly Interface: GEO5 is composed of individual programs with unified user interface, which is easy to use and does not require any special training.

Combination of Analytical Methods and FEM: Analytical verification methods provide effective and rapid structure design and verification. It is possible to transfer the analytical model into the FEM program, where the structure is verified by the finite element method. Comparison of two independent solutions contributes to increasing the safety and objectivity.

Supporting Many Standards: Geotechnical methods applied in GEO5 software are used all around the world. GEO5 adopts a unique system of implementing standards and partial factors, which are separate from the structure input. GEO5 has a database of standards, however it is possible to create own settings.

Comprehensive Outputs: GEO5 programs generate clear text and graphical outputs that can be easily edited according to needs of the user (add company logo, insert images). Created images are always up to date, according to latest data. Outputs can be printed directly from the program, saved as PDF or exported to external text editor (MS Word).

Low-Cost System: Advantage of the GEO5 software is it’s modular low-cost system. Therefore, the user can purchase only one program and buy additional ones later as required. The price of individual programs can be found out in the Shop, including all possible discounts.

GEO5 2016, Softwares

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