Rapid Load Testing on Piles

Paul Holscher, Frits A. van Tol ... 
200 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (December 1, 2008)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415482976 - ISBN-13: 978-0415482974

To obtain data about the stiffness and bearing capacity of a foundation pile, the Rapid Load Test could be an effective and economic alternative for a static load test. In order to judge this, the influence of rate effects in clay and pore water pressures in sand should first be understood. This book presents the latest developments in the research that is carried out to unravel these effects. It contains current contributions by world wide leading academics. Moreover the editors summarize the empirical field data and discuss advanced centrifuge modeling. This indispensable information source on the progress in Rapid Load Testing is intended for researchers and professionals working on the load testing of foundation piles.

Rapid Load Testing on Piles, Paul Holscher, Frits A. van Tol

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