Teodor M. Atanackovic, Ardeshir Guran ...
374 pages - Publisher: Birkhäuser; (June 16, 2000)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 081764072X - ISBN-13: 978-3540425373
This book is intended to be an introduction to elasticity theory. It is
as sumed that the student, before reading this book, has had courses in
me chanics (statics, dynamics) and strength of materials (mechanics of
mate rials). It is written at a level for undergraduate and beginning
graduate engineering students in mechanical, civil, or aerospace
engineering. As a background in mathematics, readers are expected to
have had courses in ad vanced calculus, linear algebra, and
differential equations. Our experience in teaching elasticity theory to
engineering students leads us to believe that the course must be
problem-solving oriented. We believe that formulation and solution of
the problems is at the heart of elasticity theory. 1 Of course
orientation to problem-solving philosophy does not exclude the need to
study fundamentals. By fundamentals we mean both mechanical concepts
such as stress, deformation and strain, compatibility conditions,
constitu tive relations, energy of deformation, and mathematical
methods, such as partial differential equations, complex variable and
variational methods, and numerical techniques. We are aware of many
excellent books on elasticity, some of which are listed in the
References. If we are to state what differentiates our book from other
similar texts we could, besides the already stated problem-solving ori
entation, list the following: study of deformations that are not
necessarily small, selection of problems that we treat, and the use of
Cartesian tensors only.