Béla Bodó, Colin Jones ... "Introduction to Soil Mechanics" covers the basic principles of soil
mechanics, illustrating why the properties of soil are important, the
techniques used to understand and characterise soil behaviour and how
that knowledge is then applied in construction. The authors have
endeavoured to define and discuss the principles and concepts concisely,
providing clear, detailed explanations, and a well-illustrated text
with diagrams, charts, graphs and tables. With many practical, worked
examples and end-of-chapter and coverage of Eurocode 7, "Introduction to
Soil Mechanics" will be an ideal starting point for the study of soil
mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
Info-Details: 608 pages - Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1st edition (August, 2013)... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470659432 - ISBN-13: 978-0070407695 ...