Seismic Safety of High Arch Dams

Chen Houqun, Wu Shengxin,  Faning Dang ... 614 pages - Publisher: Academic Press; 1st edition (November, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0128036281 - ISBN-13: 978-0128036280 ...

Written for civil, structural and geotechnical engineers, this book presents the latest research and practical experience in the design of high-arch dams in seismically active regions, from an author team that is highly active and experienced in the design, development and construction of 300m high arch dams. The book covers the entire subject of dam design for seismic regions, including seismic input mechanisms and modeling, non-linear analysis techniques for dam structure and foundations, concrete material properties, and simulation techniques for dam design. Of particular value are the real-world experimental data and design case studies that enhance the book and ensure that readers can apply the theoretical content to their own projects. Break through the conventional concepts in civil engineering discipline and focus on applying new techniques from other subject fields to seismic safety on high-arch dam design in an innovative way. + Shows how to model and evaluate seismic safety of dams using seismic input, dam response and dynamic resistance. + Summarizes the methodology and approaches applied to high-arch dam design and construction in China, demonstrates the selection of site-specific seismic input parameters, and enables the reader to apply this to their own specific design challenge.

Seismic Safety of High Arch Dams, Houqun Chen, Shengxin Wu, Faning Dang

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