Carl A. Thoresen ... 638 pages - Publisher: ICE Publishing; 3rd dition (June 25, 2014)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727760041 - ISBN-13: 978-0727760043
This comprehensively updated new edition to the bestselling Port
Designer s Handbook, gives essential guidance and recommendations for
the layout, design and construction of modern port structures for
practising port and harbour consulting engineers and contractors
involved in the layout, design and construction of berth and harbour
structures. The third edition has been extensively revised to include
the different berth structures required as a result of new cargo
handling equipment affecting the loadings acting upon berth structures
and larger vessels requiring increased water depth and, in line with
PIANC recommendations, for the design of larger, more efficient
container terminals. Further advances in knowledge since the last
edition published are included with specific updates in the calculation
of wind, current and waves forces and general safety calculations,
recommendations and evaluation.
Contents: 1. Safety considerations 2.
Types of berth structures 3. Gravity-wall structures 4. Sheet pile wall
structures 5. Open berth structures 6. Berth details 7. Container
terminals 8. Fenders 9. Erosion protection 10. Steel corrosion 11.
Underwater concreting 12. Concrete deterioration 13. Concrete repair 14.
Port maintenance 15. Ship dimensions 16. Definitions 17. Conversion
Port Designer's Handbook