Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ... 104 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (December 15, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784411816 - ISBN-13: 978-0784411810 ...

This Standard provides a uniform basis for the design, detailing, fabrication, testing, assembly, and erection of steel tubular structures for electrical transmission poles. These guidelines apply to cold-formed single- and multipole tubular steel structures that support overhead transmission lines. The design parameters are applicable to guyed and self-supporting structures using a variety of foundations, including concrete caissons, steel piling, and direct embedment. Standard ASCE/SEI 48-11 replaces the previous edition (ASCE/SEI 48-05) and revises some formulas that are based on other current industry standards. This Standard includes a detailed commentary and appendixes with explanatory and supplementary information. This Standard will be a primary reference for structural engineers and construction managers involved in designing and building electrical transmission lines, as well as engineers and others involved in the electric power transmission industry.

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

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