Plastic Methods for Steel and Concrete Structures 2nd Edition

Stuart Stanley, Jervis Moy ... 288 pages - Publisher: Palgrave; 2nd edition (June 18, 1996) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0333641779 - ISBN-13: 978-0333641774 ...

This is a completely revised, updated and reset edition of the text that appeared with the same title during the 1980s. It covers the requirements of the most recent design standards (BS5950, BS8110 and the Eurocodes) and will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering and to practising engineers. Plastic behaviour and the methods for calculating the collapse load of steel structures are discussed and examined in detail. An explanation of the effects of deflections, instability and imperfections on the collapse of structures is followed by a description of the design methods for steel structures. The application of plastic methods to concrete structures and the yield line and strip methods for slabs are also presented. The coverage of both steel and concrete in the same volume is a unique feature of this text which will appeal to many readers. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on applications to modern analysis and design. Each chapter provides the background theory, followed by a series of carefully graded examples with many diagrams that illustrate application of the theory; the chapter concludes with a brief summary which is followed by a wide range of problems (with answers).

Plastic Methods for Steel and Concrete Structures 2nd Edition, Stuart Stanley, Jervis Moy

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