Laureano R. Hoyos, Xiong Zhang, Anand J. Puppala ...
234 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (June, 2010) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784411034 - ISBN-13: 978-0784411032 ...
Geotechnical and civil engineers all over the world continue to face
problems with a wide range of geosystems involving materials that remain
under partially saturated conditions throughout the year. The lack of
education and training among engineering graduates and practitioners to
properly deal with unsaturated soil conditions has resulted in faulty or
excessively conservative designs, frequent construction delays, and
deficient long-term performance of built infrastructure. Over the last
few decades, however, the discipline of unsaturated soil mechanics has
begun to receive increasing attention worldwide, providing better
explanations for soil behavioral patterns than conventional saturated
soil mechanics. Experimental and Applied Modeling of Unsaturated Soils
contains 28 papers examining the most current thinking and practices
involving unsaturated soils. This Geotechnical Special Publication is
divided into two broad categories, General Characterization and
Constitutive Behavior and Applied Modeling and Analysis. The papers in
this publication were presented during the GeoShanghai 2010
International Conference held in Shanghai, China, June 3-5, 2010.