Continuum Theory of Plasticity

Akhtar S. Khan, Sujian Huang ... 440 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (February, 1995) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471310433 - ISBN-13: 978-0471310433 ...

The only modern, up-to-date introduction to plasticity Despite phenomenal progress in plasticity research over the past fifty years, introductory books on plasticity have changed very little. To meet the need for an up-to-date introduction to the field, Akhtar S. Khan and Sujian Huang have written Continuum Theory of Plasticity--a truly modern text which offers a continuum mechanics approach as well as a lucid presentation of the essential classical contributions. The early chapters give the reader a review of elementary concepts of plasticity, the necessary background material on continuum mechanics, and a discussion of the classical theory of plasticity. Recent developments in the field are then explored in sections on the Mroz Multisurface model, the Dafalias and Popov Two Surface model, the non-linear kinematic hardening model, the endochronic theory of plasticity, and numerous topics in finite deformation plasticity theory and strain space formulation for plastic deformation. Final chapters introduce the fundamentals of the micromechanics of plastic deformation and the analytical coupling between deformation of individual crystals and macroscopic material response of the polycrystal aggregate. For graduate students and researchers in engineering mechanics, mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering, Continuum Theory of Plasticity offers a modern, comprehensive introduction to the entire subject of plasticity. Uses a continuum mechanics approach to understanding and predicting the behavior of solids under deformation stress and strain. Presents a modern viewpoint of plasticity which covers the traditional topics of stress-strain relationships, loading and unloading behavior and the microscopic phenomena that occur during deformation. Features the latest developments in the field. 

Continuum Theory of Plasticity, Akhtar S. Khan, Sujian Huang

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