Optimization in Engineering Sciences: Metaheuristic, Stochastic Methods and Decision

Dan Stefanoiu, Pierre Borne, Dumitru Popescu, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Abdelkader El Kamel ... 445 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; (October, 2014) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B00P3W32R8.

The purpose of this book is to present the main metaheuristics and approximate and stochastic methods for optimization of complex systems in Engineering Sciences. It has been written within the framework of the European Union project ERRIC, which is funded by the EU’s FP7 Research Potential program and has been developed in co-operation between French and Romanian teaching researchers. Through the principles of various proposed algorithms (with additional references) this book allows the reader to explore various methods of implementation such as metaheuristics, local search and populationbased methods. It examines multi-objective and stochastic optimization, as well as methods and tools for computer-aided decision-making and simulation for decision-making.

Optimization in Engineering Sciences: Metaheuristic, Stochastic Methods and Decision, Dan Stefanoiu, Pierre Borne, Dumitru Popescu, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Abdelkader El Kamel

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