Donald Wood Taylor ... 714 pages - Publisher: Literary Licensing; (July, 2013) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1258766922 - ISBN-13: 978-1258766924 ...
"Soil mechanics is a pioneer science which has grown rapidly during the
last two decades. Its introduction into this country - under this
name, at least - is generally accredited to Dr. Karl Terzaghi and is
considered to have occurred in 1925. With each year since that date soil
mechanics has become more widely known, the number of soil mechanics
laboratories has increased, more colleges have offered courses in this
new subject, and practical applications of this science have become more
numerous. The amount of existing soil mechanics literature has
increased rapidly but textbooks and handboks have been slow to appear,
probably because of the extensive scope of the subject. Books of a
number of types on this subject are needed, and it is of considerable
importance to distinguish between the various types, which include the
handbook for the practicing engineer, the manual for the laboratory
technician, the textbooks for college courses of undergraduate level and
graduate level, and the advanced textbook for the specialist. It is
probable that no book can serve more than one or two of these fields to
best advantage. This book is written as a textbook for use in graduate
courses, but it is presented in such form that by the omission of
certain portions it can be used in undergraduate courses. Practicing
engineers and specialists in soil engineering may find the book of
interest and value but, primarily, it is written for the student. The
basic aim of the book is the presentation of fundamentals rather than
the furnishing of final answers to practical problems; nevertheless, the
book aims to develop the reader's appreciation for the practical
significance of the various subjects considered. I wish to acknowledge
and to express appreciation for the privilege of including in this book
material that is the work of three of my predecessors on the Soil
Mechanics staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology... " [from preface by D. W. Taylor]