Carlo G. Lai, Krzysztof Wilmanski ... 386 pages - Publisher: Springer; (September, 2005) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 3211277404 - ISBN-13: 978-3211277409 ...
Theories of surface waves develop since the end of XIX century and many
fundamental problems like existence, phase and group velocities,
attenuation (quality factor), mode conversion, etc. have been, in part
successfully, solved within the framework of such simple models as ideal
fluids or linear elasticity. However, a sufficiently complete
presentation of this subject, particularly for solids, is still missing
in the literature. The sole exception is the book of I. A. Viktorov
which contains an extensive discussion of fundamental properties of
surface waves in homogeneous and stratified linear elastic solids with
particular emphasis on contributions of Russian scientists.
Unfortunately, the book has never been translated to English and its
Russian version is also hardly available. Practical applications of
surface waves develop intensively since a much shorter period of time
than theories even though the motivation of discoverers of surface waves
such as Lord Rayleigh stems from their appearance in geophysics and
seismology. Nowadays the growing interest in practical applications of
surface waves stem from the following two main factors: surface waves
are ideal for developing relatively cheap and convenient methods of
nondestructive testing of various systems spanning from nanomaterials. [by H.V. Thang]