Sedimentation Engineering: Theory, Measurements, Modeling and Practice

Vito A. Vanoni ... 424 pages - Publisher: Amer. Society of Civil Engineers; 2nd edition (June, 2006) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784408238 - ISBN-13: 978-0784408230 ...

Sedimentation Engineering, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 54, is a valuable reference on sedimentation engineering and management. It provides an excellent source of information about mechanics of sediment transport and applications to the solution of sedimentation engineering problems. Originally published in 1975, Manual 54 is still considered to be the textbook on sedimentation engineering. This second edition, which includes a new index written by Professor Vito Vanoni, is also the progenitor of its companion Manual 110, Sedimentation Engineering: Theory, Measurements, Modeling, and Practice. Manual 54, along with companion Manual 110, will be beneficial to hydrologists, geomorphologists, sedimentologists, land-use planners, soil conservation specialists, and environmental, hydraulic, and agricultural engineers.

Sedimentation Engineering: Theory, Measurements, Modeling and Practice, Vito Vanoni

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