Designers' Guide to Eurocode 8: EN 1998-1 and 1998-5

Michael N. Fardis, Eduardo Carvalho, Amr Alnashai, Ezio Faccioli, Paolo Pinto, Andre Plumier... 
286 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing; (January, 2005) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727733486 - ISBN-13: 978-0727733481 ...

This series of Designers Guides to the Eurocodes provides comprehensive guidance in the form of design aids, indications for the most convenient design procedures and worked examples. The books also include background information to aid the designer in understanding the reasoning behind and the objectives of the codes. All of the individual guides work in conjunction with the Designers Guide to EN1990 Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design.

Designers' Guide to Eurocode 8: EN 1998-1 and 1998-5: Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistant Structures, Michael N. Fardis, Eduardo Carvalho, Amr Alnashai, Ezio Faccioli, Paolo Pinto, Andre Plumier

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