High Performance Structures And Materials III

C. A. Brebbia ... 744 pages - Publisher: WIT Press; (April, 2006) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1845641620 - ISBN-13: 978-1845641627 ...

This book contains the edited papers presented at the Third International Conference on High Performance Structures and Materials and it addresses issues involving advanced types of structures, particularly those based on new concepts or new types of materials. Particular emphasis is placed on intelligent ‘smart structures’ as well as the application of computational methods to model, control and manage these structures and materials. The book covers topics such as: Damage and Fracture Mechanics; Composite Materials and Structures; Optimal Design; Adhesion and Adhesives; Natural Fibre Composites; Failure Criteria of FRP; Non-linear Behaviour of FRP Structures; Material Characterization; High Performance Materials; High Performance Concretes; Aerospace Structures; Reliability of Structures; Ceramics in Engineering.

High Performance Structures And Materials III

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