Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods 6th Edition

Craig A Mertler, Rachel Vannatta Reinhart ... 390 pages - Publisher: Routledge; 6th edition (October, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1138289736 - ISBN-13: 978-1138289734 ...

Ideal for non-math majors, Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods teaches students to interpret, present, and write up results for each statistical technique without overemphasizing advanced math. This highly applied approach covers the why, what, when and how of advanced and multivariate statistics in a way that is neither too technical nor too mathematical. Students also learn how to compute each technique using SPSS software. New to the Sixth Edition: Instructor ancillaries are now available with the sixth edition. - All SPSS directions and screenshots have been updated to Version 23 of the software. - Student learning objectives have been added as a means for students to target their learning and for instructors to focus their instruction. - Key words are reviewed and reinforced in the end of chapter material to ensure that students understand the vocabulary of advanced and multivariate statistics.

Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods: Practical Application and Interpretation 6th Edition, Craig A Mertler, Rachel Vannatta Reinhart

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