D. J. Ewins ... 400 pages - Publisher: Research Studies Press; 2nd edition (September, 2000) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0863802184 - ISBN-13: 978-0863802188 ...
During the 1980s the technology of modal testing became very widely
practised in all those engineering disciplines where vibration and other
dynamic phenomena affect the behaviour and performance of structures
and machines. The techniques involved in carrying out a modal test were
developed to a high degree of sophistication while the applications to
which the results of these tests could be put became more numerous and
more powerful. At the same time as the advantages of modal testing were
being enjoyed by an increasing audience, some of the drawbacks of
inexpert use of the technology were being learned and recorded. These
experiences reinforced the need for a thorough understanding of
fundamentals upon which modal testing is based, and of the detailed
workings of the various phases and processes which make up a successful
test. In this book, all the steps involved in planning,
executing, interpreting and applying the results from a modal test are
described in straightforward terms. Efforts are made throughout to
ensure that the reader understands the physics of the various stages as
well as (if not before) the mathematics. This edition has brought
the previous book up to date by including all the new and improved
techniques which have emerged during the 15 years since the first
edition was written. The more powerful applications are developed in
more detail than previously and some new topics have been introduced,
notable amongst which are the application of modal testing to rotating
machinery and the use of the scanning laser vibrometer.