Properties of Concrete 5th Edition

A. M. Neville ... 846 pages - Publisher: Trans-Atlantic Publ.; 5th edition (September, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0273755803 - ISBN-13: 978-0273755807 ...

Properties of Concrete, first published in 1963, has been internationally acclaimed as the definitive work of reference on the subject for both the professional and the student engineer. The fifth edition has been updated to reflect advances in concrete technology over the past decade without losing sight of the original aim: to provide reliable, comprehensive and practical information on the properties and use of concrete, and the selection of mix proportions all based on scientific observations and the author s extensive engineering experience. The emphasis is on understanding the behaviour of concrete and relating it to physical and chemical phenomena involved in its performance in service, so that you can achieve the best possible construction in concrete. Also, the scientific basis of the information provided is invaluable in planning research and in the interpretation of test results.

Properties of Concrete 5th Edition, A. M. Neville

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