An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

R. Lyman Ott, Micheal T. Longnecker ... 1297 pages - Publisher: Brooks Cole; 6th edition (December, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0495017582 - ISBN-13: 978-0495017585 ...

Ott and Longnecker's AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS, Sixth Edition, provides a broad overview of statistical methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of disciplines who have little or no prior course work in statistics. The authors teach students to solve problems encountered in research projects, to make decisions based on data in general settings both within and beyond the university setting, and to become critical readers of statistical analyses in research papers and in news reports. The first eleven chapters present material typically covered in an introductory statistics course, as well as case studies and examples that are often encountered in undergraduate capstone courses. The remaining chapters cover regression modeling and design of experiments.

An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis 6th Edition, R. Lyman Ott, Micheal T. Longnecker

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