Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis: Worked Examples

V. I. Feodosiev,‎ Sergey A. Voronov,‎ Sergey V. Yaresko ... 422 pages - Publisher: Springer; (March, 2006) ... Language: English - ASIN: B000SW15VI by Amazon Digital Services...

The problems and exercises in Strength and Stability that exceed the bounds of the ordinary university course in complexity and their statement are considered. The advanced problems liberalizing the readers and all- ing to see the connection of the Strength of Materials with some adjacent courses are collected in this book. All the problems and exercises are - compained with the detailed solutions. The set of new problems connected with the development of computer methods and with the application of composite materials in engineering are introduced in this publication.

Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis: Worked Examples, V. I. Feodosiev,‎ Sergey A. Voronov,‎ Sergey V. Yaresko

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