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Stata: Software for Statistics and Data Science

Stata Software for Statistics and Data Science v15 [Size: 295.5 MB] ... Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package created in 1985 by StataCorp. Most of its users work in research, especially in the fields of economics, sociology, political science, biomedicine and epidemiology.[citation needed]Stata's capabilities include data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, regression analysis (linear and multiple), and custom programming. The name Stata is a portmanteau of the words statistics and data. The correct English pronunciation of Stata "must remain a mystery"; any of "Stay-ta", "Sta-ta" or "Stah-ta" are considered acceptable.

Features: Linear models: regression • censored outcomes • endogenous regressors • bootstrap, jackknife, and robust and cluster–robust variance • instrumental variables • three-stage least squares • constraints • quantile regression • GLS • more. Panel/longitudinal data: random and fixed effects with robust standard errors • linear mixed models • random-effects probit • GEE • random- and fixed-effects Poisson • dynamic panel-data models • instrumental variables • panel unit-root tests • more. Multilevel mixed-effects models: continuous, binary, count, and survival outcomes • two-, three-, and higher-level models • generalized linear models • nonlinear models • random intercepts • random slopes • crossed random effects • BLUPs of effects and fitted values • hierarchical models • residual error structures • DDF adjustments • support for survey data • more. Binary, count, and limited outcomes: logistic, probit, tobit • Poisson and negative binomial • conditional, multinomial, nested, ordered, rank-ordered, and stereotype logistic • multinomial probit • zero-inflated and left-truncated count models • selection models • marginal effects • more. Extended regression models (ERMs): combine endogenous covariates, sample selection, and nonrandom treatment in models for continuous, interval-censored, binary, and ordinal outcomes • more.

Stata: Software for Statistics and Data Science v15 for x64

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