Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Eng.

Wei Wu, Hai-Sui Yu ... 904 pages - Publisher: Springer (August, 2019) ... Language: English -ISBN-10: 303007305X - ISBN-13: 978-3030073053 ...

This book compiles the first part of contributions to the China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering held 13.-16. August 2016 in Vienna, Austria. About 400 papers from 35 countries cover virtually all areas of geotechnical engineering and make this conference a truly international event. The contributions are grouped into thirteen special sessions and provide an overview of the geoengineering research and practice in China, Europe and the world: - Constitutive model - Micro-macro relationship - Numerical simulation - Laboratory testing - Geotechnical monitoring, instrumentation and field test - Foundation engineering - Underground construction - Environmental geotechnics - New geomaterials and ground improvement - Cold regions geotechnical engineering - Geohazards - risk assessment, mitigation and prevention - Unsaturated soils and energy geotechnics - Geotechnics in transportation, structural and hydraulic Engineering.

Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Volume:1 and 2, Wei Wu, Hai-Sui Yu

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