Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems with MATLAB Applications 3rd Edition

Yogesh Jalria ... 614 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 3rd edition (September, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1498778232 - ISBN-13: 978-1498778237.

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems, Third Edition: with MATLAB® Applications provides systematic and efficient approaches to the design of thermal systems, which are of interest in a wide range of applications. It presents basic concepts and procedures for conceptual design, problem formulation, modeling, simulation, design evaluation, achieving feasible design, and optimization. Emphasizing modeling and simulation, with experimentation for physical insight and model validation, the third edition covers the areas of material selection, manufacturability, economic aspects, sensitivity, genetic and gradient search methods, knowledge-based design methodology, uncertainty, and other aspects that arise in practical situations. This edition features many new and revised examples and problems from diverse application areas and more extensive coverage of analysis and simulation with MATLAB®.

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems with MATLAB Applications 3rd Edition, Yogesh Jaluria

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