Nature-Inspired Methods for Metaheuristics Optimization: Algorithms and Applications

Fouad Bennis, Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya ... 502 pages - Publisher: Springer; (January, 2020) ... Language: English - ASIN: B0843NX5CT.

This book gathers together a set of chapters covering recent development in optimization methods that are inspired by nature. The first group of chapters describes in detail different meta-heuristic algorithms, and shows their applicability using some test or real-world problems. The second part of the book is especially focused on advanced applications and case studies. They span different engineering fields, including mechanical, electrical and civil engineering, and earth/environmental science, and covers topics such as robotics, water management, process optimization, among others. The book covers both basic concepts and advanced issues, offering a timely introduction to nature-inspired optimization method for newcomers and students, and a source of inspiration as well as important practical insights to engineers and researchers.

Nature-Inspired Methods for Metaheuristics Optimization: Algorithms and Applications, Fouad Bennis, Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya

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