An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach 2nd Edition

Kieth A. Carlson, Jennifer R. Winquist ... 656 pages - Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 2nd edition (February, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 148337873X - ISBN-13: 978-1483378732.

An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach, Second Edition by Kieth A. Carlson and Jennifer R. Winquist takes a unique, active approach to teaching and learning introductory statistics that allows students to discover and correct their misunderstandings as chapters progress rather than at their conclusion. Empirically-developed, self-correcting activities reinforce and expand on fundamental concepts, targeting and holding students’ attention. Based on contemporary memory research, this learner-centered approach leads to better long-term retention through active engagement while generating explanations. Along with carefully placed reading questions, this edition includes learning objectives, realistic research scenarios, practice problems, self-test questions, problem sets, and practice tests to help students become more confident in their ability to perform statistics.

An Introduction to Statistics: An Active Learning Approach 2nd Edition, Kieth A. Carlson, Jennifer R. Winquist

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