Mastering ArcGIS Pro by Maribeth Price

Maribeth Price ... 448 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; (January, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07MPCNLJC.

Although the concepts of GIS have remained fairly constant over time the software is continuallyevolving. With the release of ArcGIS Pro the latest software in the Esri GIS family a new generationof GIS has arrived. ArcGIS Pro has a 64-bit multithreaded architecture uses ribbon-stylemenus integrates 2D and 3D applications and is closely tied to ArcGIS Online.This text constitutes a major rewrite of Mastering ArcGIS a book that covered GIS conceptsand skills using the ArcGIS Desktop programs of ArcMap and ArcCatalog. Although the GISconcepts largely remain the same in both texts the implementation and in some cases theterminology has changed.

Mastering ArcGIS Pro, Maribeth Price

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