Optimization for Engineering Problems

Kaushik Kumar, J. Paulo Davim ... 179 pages - AmazonSIN: B07V7SN988 ... Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; (July, 2019) - Language: English.

Optimization is central to any problem involving decision-making in engineering. Optimization theory and methods deal with selecting the best option regarding the given objective function or performance index. New algorithmic and theoretical techniques have been developed for this purpose, and have rapidly diffused into other disciplines. As a result, our knowledge of all aspects of the field has grown even more profound. In Optimization for Engineering Problems, eminent researchers in the field present the latest knowledge and techniques on the subject of optimization in engineering. Whereas the majority of work in this area focuses on other applications, this book applies advanced and algorithm-based optimization techniques specifically to problems in engineering.

Optimization for Engineering Problems, Kaushik Kumar, J. Paulo Davim

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