Better Python Code: A Guide for Aspiring Experts

David Mertz ... 288 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎Addison-Wesley Professional; (November, 2023).

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is used everywhere from primary school education to workaday web development, to the most advanced scientific research institutes of the world. However, like all programming languages, Python has a collection of "Pythonic" ways of accomplishing tasks that are easy to overlook, especially when habits are borrowed wholesale from work in other programming languages. Better Python Code is a guide to Pythonic programming. The book presents common mistakes that Python developers make--even Python developers who have used the language for years--often because Python sometimes presents "attractive nuisances." Throughout, the book is a guide to better programming in the core Python language.

Each section shows a concrete but concise example of some misunderstanding or bad habit in action. Each section contains a description of what is wrong with the sample code and a suggestion for one or more better ways to code equivalent functionality without the initial pitfall. Every pitfall addressed in this book reflects foibles, errors, and misunderstandings that the author as seen in concrete, widely used code bases written by experienced developers, over his 25 years of writing Python. The sections of this book each present some mistake, pitfall, or foible that developers can easily fall into, and are accompanied by descriptions of ways to avoid making them. At times those solutions simply involve a minor change in “spelling,” but in most cases they require a nuance of thought and design in your code. Many of the discussions do something else as well…

Better Python Code: A Guide for Aspiring Experts, David Mertz

... Coming.SOON: Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Engineering by Prasenjit Chatterjee, Morteza Yazdani, Francisco Fernández-​Navarro, Javier Pérez-​Rodríguez (CRC Press, 2023).

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