Applied Statics and Strength of Materials 7th Edition

George F. Limbrunner, Craig T. D'allaird ...552 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: Pearson; 7th edition (January, 2021).

Applied Statics and Strengths of Materials helps you master the basic principles and physical concepts of statics and strength of materials, so you can solve real-world problems. Using intermediate math rather than calculus, the text gives you the background in mechanics needed in civil, mechanical, construction, architectural, industrial and manufacturing technologies fields. To reinforce concepts, rigorous example problems follow explanations of theory and end-of-chapter problems provide ample practice.

The 7th Edition has been completely updated and revised to meet current industry standards.

Applied Statics and Strength of Materials 7th Edition, George F. Limbrunner, Craig T. D'allaird

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