Articles by "AASHTO"

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Tim Huff ... 372 pages - Language ‏ : ‎ English - Publisher ‏ : ‎ CRC Press; (February, 2022) - ISBN-10: ‎1032208368 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1032208367

This book examines and explains material from the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, including deck and parapet design, load calculations, limit states and load combinations, concrete and steel I-girder design, bearing design, and more. With increased focus on earthquake resiliency, two separate chapters– one on conventional seismic design and the other on seismic isolation applied to bridges– will fully address this vital topic. The primary focus is on steel and concrete I-girder bridges, with regard to both superstructure and substructure design.

Features: Includes several worked examples for a project bridge as well as actual bridges designed by the author + Examines seismic design concepts and design details for bridges + Presents the latest material based on the 9th edition of the LRFD Bridge Design Specifications + Covers fatigue, strength, service, and extreme event limit states + Includes numerous solved problems and exercises at the end of each chapter to illustrate the concepts presented.

LRFD Bridge Design: Fundamentals and Applications will serve as a useful text for graduate and upper-level undergraduate civil engineering students as well as practicing structural engineers.

Dongzhou Huang, Bo Hu ... 1028 pages - ISBN-10: 1498799000 - ISBN-13: 978-1498799003 ... Publisher : CRC Press; (January, 2020) - Language: English.

Segmental concrete bridges have become one of the main options for major transportation projects world-wide. They offer expedited construction with minimal traffic disruption, lower life cycle costs, appealing aesthetics and adaptability to a curved roadway alignment. The literature is focused on construction, so this fills the need for a design-oriented book for less experienced bridge engineers and for senior university students. It presents comprehensive theory, design and key construction methods, with a simple design example based on the AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications for each of the main bridge types. It outlines design techniques and relationships between analytical methods, specifications, theory, design, construction and practice. It combines mathematics and engineering mechanics with the authors’ design and teaching experience.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) ... 436 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; (2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560516283 - ISBN-13: 978-1560516286

The first edition of the LRFD Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals incorporates and builds upon the design specifications found in the Sixth Edition of Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals, which it supersedes. The specification includes current research on LRFD calibration, loads, and resistances plus relevant specifications from other AASHTO documents. Completely new sections on Fabrication, Construction, Inspection, and Asset Management based upon best practices have also been added.

AASHTO ... 1308 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; 6th edition (2012) ... Languge: English - ASIN: B007HA6Z28 by Amazon

The provisions of these Specifications are intended for the design, evaluation, and rehabilitation bridges and is mandated by FHWA for use on all bridges using federal funding. These Specifications employ the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methodology using factors developing from current statistical knowledge of loads and structural performance. Seismic design shall be in accordance with either the provisions in these Specifications or those given in the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design. Construction specifications consistent with these design specifications are the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications. Unless otherwise specified, the Materials Specifications referenced herein are the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing. A new chapter on sound barriers includes the material formerly contained in the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound Barriers. Mechanical, electrical, and special vehicular and pedestrian safety aspects of movable bridges are not included in this specification.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ... 215 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; (2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560515333 - ISBN-13: 978-1560515333

A State Department of Transportation's (DOT) ability to successfully manage and deliver its program is largely dependent on an ability to develop realistic estimates of project cost. Cost estimating involves not only the collection of relevant factors relating to the scope of a project and the cost of resources, but it also requires anticipating cost impacts that may occur due to changes in project scope, available resources, and national and global market conditions. This publication provides "practical" guidance that serves those charged with the development of DOT cost estimates and with the management of the estimating process. This guidebook has two parts. Part I focuses on key cost-estimate techniques and Part II focuses on cost management activities.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ... 
696 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; (2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560516178 - ISBN-13: 978-1560516170 ...

This broadly recognized national standard to design and construct bridges has been revised to be consistent with its companion, the recently updated AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Among the revisions are improved testing and acceptance criteria, updated material references, and recommended guidelines for construction loads. Included in this electronic edition are the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Interim Revisions. Following each chapter the revisions are identified as well as linked throughout the entire book where available. See the "Interim Revisions 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 2015 and 2016" sections for a complete list of changes to each section.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ...
 336 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; 2nd edition (2007) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560513691 - ISBN-13: 978-1560513698 ...

These guidelines address the design of movable highway bridges using the LRFD bridge design standards. The guidelines are in English units. This guide includes information on design of bridge spans, mechanical systems (motors, hydraulics, etc), electrical systems, and bridge protection systems. The guidelines also cover seismic analysis and vessel impact analysis. Several types of movable bridges as discussed, including Bascule span, Swing span, and Vertical Lift bridges.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ... 
286 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; 2nd edition (2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560515414 - ISBN-13: 978-1560515418 ... 
Covers seismic design for typical bridge types and applies to non-critical and non-essential bridges. Approved as an alternate to the seismic provisions in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Differs from the current procedures in the LRFD Specifications in the use of displacement-based design procedures, instead of the traditional force-based R-Factor method. Includes detailed guidance and commentary on earthquake-resisting elements and systems, global design strategies, demand modeling, capacity calculation, and liquefaction effects. Capacity design procedures underpin the Guide Specifications' methodology; includes prescriptive detailing for plastic hinging regions and design requirements for capacity protection of those elements that should not experience damage.

AASHTO ... 200 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; (2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560516372 - ISBN-13: 978-1560516378 ...

These 2016 interim revisions to the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th edition, contain updates to the following sections of the specifications: Section 3, Loads and Load Factors; Section 4, Structural Analysis and Evaluation; Section 5, Concrete Structures; Section 6, Steel Structures; Section 10, Foundations; Section 11, Walls, Abutment, and Piers; Section 12, Buried Structures and Tunnel Liners; Section 13, Railings; and Section 14, Joints and Bearings. Updates are presented in a change bullet format. They are not designed to replace the corresponding pages in the book but rather to be kept with the book for quick reference.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ...
356 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; 4th edition (2011) ...
Language: English - ASIN: B007PCJ5OI by Amazon Digital Services ...

Roadside Design Guide 4th Edition (RSDG-4) presents a synthesis of current information and operating practices related to roadside safety and is written in dual units, metric and US Customary. It is intended to be used as a resource document from which individual highway agencies can develop standards and policies. It includes a synthesis of current information and operating practices related to roadside safety. It focuses on safety treatments that can minimize the likelihood of serious injuries when a motorist leaves the roadway. This guide was written for use by design engineers and professionals involved in roadside safety and is considered a significant toll that combines current research with practical experience. This publication has been updated to include hardware that has met the evaluation criteria contained in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350: Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features and begins to detail the most current evaluation criteria contained under the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, 2009 (MASH). For the most part, roadside hardware tested and accepted under older guidelines that are no longer applicable has not been excluded in this edition. Includes 2015 errata.

AASHTO - 1596 pages - Publisher: AASHTO; 4th edition (2007) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1560513543- ISBN-13: 978-1560513544

Now with newly updated seismic and foundation specifications. This major step in improved bridge design and more accurate analysis is expected to lead to bridges exhibiting superior serviceability, enhanced long-term maintainability, and more uniform levels of safety. This edition includes newly updated foundation specifications, as well as updates throughout. Based on the load and- resistance factor design philosophy (LRFD), this book is the result of a five-year research effort under AASHTO's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 12-42, and a continued effort through AASHTO technical committees. Since the 1st edition was published in 1994, the provisions have continued to be updated and improved based on continuing research and the experience of the user community. The new specifications have been systematically tested in trial designs and have now been implemented by all 50 states, with 48 states fully implemented. As of October 2007, the LRFD design code will be mandated by FHWA for all state projects using federal funding. As of 2010, it will apply to all state bridges regardless of funding and to local bridges using federal funding. Supersedes all previous editions and interims. The single-user CD-ROM contains both the standard and metric editions of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications 4th Edition and is available with the book.

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