Articles by "Geotechnical Engineering"

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Jonathan Knappett, R.F. Craig ... 654 pages - Language‏: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; 9th edition (October, 2019).

Craig’s Soil Mechanics continues to evolve and remain the definitive text for civil engineering students worldwide. It covers fundamental soil mechanics and its application in applied geotechnical engineering from A to Z and at the right depth for an undergraduate civil engineer, with sufficient extension material for supporting MSc level courses, and with practical examples and digital tools to make it a useful reference work for practising engineers.

This new edition now includes: Restructured chapters on foundations and earthworks, the latter including new material on working platforms and collapse of underground cavities (sinkhole formation). + New mobilised-stress-based deformation methods that can straightforwardly be used with both linear and non-linear soil stiffness models and field measurements of shear wave velocity, for serviceability limit state design. + Extended sets of correlations for making sensible first estimates of soil parameters, adding deformation-based parameters for broader coverage than the Eighth Edition. + Extended section on robust statistical selection of characteristic soil parameters. + Greater use of consolidation theory throughout in determining whether actions, processes and laboratory/in-situ tests are drained or undrained. + Extended chapter on in-situ testing, adding the Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT), and interpretation of consolidation parameters from CPTU and DMT testing. + An updated section on pile load testing. + Additional worked examples and end-of-chapter problems covering new material, with fully worked solutions for lecturers.

The electronic resources on the book’s companion website are developed further, with the addition of two new spreadsheet numerical analysis tools and improvement of existing tools from the Eighth Edition. Using these, readers can take real soil test data, interpret its mechanical properties and apply these to a range of common geotechnical design problems at ultimate and serviceability limiting states.

Oasys Slope v21.0.54.10 [Size: 73.5 MB] ...
Oasys Slope is a tool for civil and geotechnical engineers which provides an easy and accurate way to study a slip surface, finding factors of safety against failure, and to check suggested improvements from reinforcement. Slope is a core component of our Ground Movement Bundle and Geotechnical Suite, both in Pro and Basic versions. Oasys Slope empowers civil and geotechnical engineers to study and check their projects involving slope stability analyses, a key part of linear infrastructure design involving cuttings for permanent works, for example.

Oasys Slope empowers civil and geotechnical engineers to study and check their projects involving slope stability analyses, a key part of linear infrastructure design involving cuttings for permanent works, for example. Civil and geotechnical engineers responsible for studying the global stability of reinforced earth structures, cuttings and more use Oasys Slope as it provides a validated, robust and user-friendly method of calculations, ensuring acceptable and appropriate QA and QC standards are met.

Hongjian Liao, Hangzhou Li, Zongyuan Ma ... 266 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: World Scientific; (September, 2020).

This book also doubles as a textbook with an explanation of basic theory, knowledge, and skills in soil mechanics as well as the most updated codes and standards in China. Also included are guidelines at the beginning of each chapter and English-Chinese-Japanese translations of frequently-used words and expressions in the Appendix. It aims to be a reference book for students and technical staff in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, mining engineering, and transportation engineering.

Steven L. Kramer, Jonathan P. Stewart ... 1042 pages - Language: English - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2024) - ISBN-10: ‎1032842741 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-1032842745.

This fully updated second edition provides an introduction to geotechnical earthquake engineering for first-year graduate students in geotechnical or earthquake engineering graduate programs with a level of detail that will also be useful for more advanced students as well as researchers and practitioners. It begins with an introduction to seismology and earthquake ground motions, then presents seismic hazard analysis and performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) principles. Dynamic soil properties pertinent to earthquake engineering applications are examined, both to facilitate understanding of soil response to seismic loads and to describe their practical measurement as part of site characterization. These topics are followed by site response and its analysis and soil–structure interaction. Ground failure in the form of soil liquefaction, cyclic softening, surface fault rupture, and seismically induced landslides are also addressed, and the book closes with a chapter on soil improvement and hazard mitigation. The first edition has been widely used around the world by geotechnical engineers as well as many seismologists and structural engineers.

The main text of this book and the four appendices: Cover fundamental concepts in applied seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural dynamics + Contain numerous references for further reading, allowing for detailed exploration of background or more advanced material + Present worked example problems that illustrate the application of key concepts emphasized in the text + Include chapter summaries that emphasize the most important points + Present concepts of performance-based earthquake engineering with an emphasis on uncertainty and the types of probabilistic analyses needed to implement PBEE in practice + Present a broad, interdisciplinary narrative, drawing from the fields of seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering to facilitate holistic understanding of how geotechnical earthquake engineering is applied in seismic hazard and risk analyses and in seismic design

ASDIP Suite: [Size: 74 MB] ...
All-In-One Structural Engineering Software: Easily Analyze, Design and Check Your Structural Members in Minutes!

ASDIP SUITE consists of 5 intuitive software packages to help you take control of your projects and simplify all of your daily engineering tasks.

Contents: ASDIP Concrete - 5 modules of concrete design + ASDIP Foundation - 6 modules of footing design + ASDIP Retain - 5 modules of retaining wall design + ASDIP Steel - 6 modules of steel member design + ASDIP Wood - 4 modules of wood member design.

Liangbo Hu, Xiaoqiang Gu, Junliang Tao, Annan Zhou ... 514 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Springer; (May, 2018) - ISBN-10: ‎9811301212 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-9811301216.

This book is the second volume of the proceedings of the 4th GeoShanghai International Conference that was held on May 27 - 30, 2018. This conference showcased the recent advances and technology in geotechnical engineering, geoenvironmental engineering and transportation engineering. This volume, entitled “Multi-physics Processes in Soil Mechanics and Advances in Geotechnical Testing”, covers a wide range of topics in soil mechanics, focusing on the behaviours of partially saturated soils, combined effects of multi-physics processes in geological materials and systems, and emerging methods and techniques in geotechnical in-situ testing and monitoring. This book may benefit researchers and scientists from the academic fields of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, geoenvironmental engineering, transportation engineering, geology, mining and energy, as well as practical engineers from the industry.

Each of the papers included in this book received at least two positive peer reviews. The editors would like to express their sincerest appreciation to all of the anonymous reviewers all over the world, for their diligent work.

Language: English - Number of Lessons: 9 - Duration: 2 hours and 27 minutes - Size: 1.36 GB] ...
Advanced Earthquake Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D is an earthquake analysis and design training course published by Udemy Online Academy. Advanced Earthquake Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D is an intensive course for civil and geotechnical engineers looking to enhance their skills in seismic analysis and design. This course focuses on the application of PLAXIS 3D software for modeling and analyzing the effects of earthquakes on soil-structure interactions. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of dynamic analysis methods, including time history analysis and response spectrum analysis, as well as principles of soil liquefaction and ground motion propagation.

The key points of this training course include understanding the principles of earthquake engineering, mastering PLAXIS 3D for dynamic analysis, modeling soil and structure interactions under seismic loading, implementing response spectrum and time history analysis, assessing soil liquefaction potential, motion propagation analysis. Land and use the results for optimization. The curriculum includes detailed instructions on setting up complex models that simulate real-world earthquake scenarios, evaluate the behavior of various structures under seismic loads, and interpret the results to inform engineering decisions. By the end of the course, individuals will be proficient in performing advanced earthquake analysis and ensuring that structures are designed to effectively withstand seismic events.

What you will learn in Advanced Earthquake Analysis Using PLAXIS 3D: Creating a 3D numerical model including pile, pile cap, bridge support and approach + Calibration of different earthquake time histories to determine the most suitable signal + Using the design time history in the created 3D model to determine the forces in the foundation piles at different time stages + Implementation of Python scripting to extract forces in piles through automation + and…

[Language: English - Number of Lessons: 12 - Duration: 2 hours and 16 minutes - Size: 1.366 GB] ...
Geotechnical analyzes of retaining walls in Plaxis 2D is a training course on the analysis and design of retaining walls using PLAXIS 2D software, which was published by the online academy of Udemy. Geotechnical analyzes of retaining walls in Plaxis 2D is a specialized course aimed at civil and geotechnical engineers who want to deepen their understanding of the analysis and design of retaining walls using PLAXIS 2D software. This course provides an overview of retaining wall behavior, including principles of earth pressure theory and stability considerations. Students will learn to model different types of retaining walls, analyze different loading conditions, and evaluate the effects of soil properties on wall performance. The curriculum includes step-by-step guidance in using PLAXIS 2D for effective geotechnical analyses, including real-world case studies and hands-on exercises.

The key points of this training course include understanding the mechanics of retaining walls and earth pressures, mastering the PLAXIS 2D software interface for geotechnical analysis, modeling the types and configurations of retaining walls, analyzing stability under different loading scenarios, evaluating the effects of soil and structure interaction, Perform limit equilibrium analyses, and interpret results for engineering design and decision making. At the end of the course, individuals will be equipped with the skills to perform full geotechnical analyzes of retaining walls and ensure safe and efficient design practices.

What you will learn in Geotechnical analyses of retaining walls in Plaxis 2D: Real examples of retaining wall analysis + Making 2D Plaxis models + Calculation of material properties of steel sheet piles, walls and concrete slabs, ground anchors and foundations + Analysis of Plaxis results + Optimization of the parameters of retaining walls and ground anchors based on the results of Plaxis analysis and…

Bentley Seequent GeoStudio v2024.2.1.28 [Size: 935 MB] ... GeoStudio's integrated products enable you to work across various engineering use cases. The integrated GeoStudio software suite enables you to combine multiple analyses using different products into a single modeling project. Use GeoStudio products together for an integrated modeling experience. Use this approach to model construction sequences, establish initial conditions, perform sensitivity analyses, model complex time sequences, or decompose a complex problem into several smaller, more manageable analyses. GeoStudio is an integrated software suite for modeling slope stability, ground deformation, and heat and mass transfer in soil and rock.

Overview of GEOSLOPE GeoStudio Features: GeoStudio provides many tools for defining the model domain, including coordinate import, geometric item copy-paste, length, angle feedback, region merge and split, and DWG / DXF file import. + GeoStudio runs each analysis solver in parallel, solving multiple analyses efficiently on computers with modern, multi-core processors. + GeoStudio provides powerful visualization tools, including graphing, contour plots, isolines, animations, interactive data queries, and data exports to spreadsheets for further analysis. + GeoStudio enables you to combine analyses using different products into a single modeling project, using the results from one as the starting point for another. GeoStudio Ultimate expands the capability of GeoStudio Advanced with functionality to analyse static and dynamic stress and deformation within soil or rock including coupled consolidation, finite element stress stability, and the ability to use finite element results in the limit equilibrium analysis.

QUAKE/W is a powerful finite element software product for modelling earthquake liquefaction and dynamic loading. QUAKE/W determines the motion and excess pore water pressures that arise due to earthquake shaking, blasts, or sudden impact loads. SEEP/W is a powerful finite element software product for modelling groundwater flow in porous media. SEEP/W can model simple saturated steady-state problems or sophisticated saturated/unsaturated transient analyses with atmospheric coupling at the ground surface. SIGMA/W is a powerful finite element software product for modelling stress and deformation in soil, rock, and structures. SIGMA/W analyses may range from simple linear elastic simulations to soil-structure interaction problems with nonlinear material models. SLOPE/W is the leading limit equilibrium slope stability software for soil and rock slopes, analysing both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions.

Pijush Samui, Sunita Kumari, Vladimir Makarov, Pradeep Kurup ... 846 pages - Publisher: ‎Academic Press; (December, 2020) - Language: ‎English.

Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering is a one stop reference for a range of computational models, the theory explaining how they work, and case studies describing how to apply them. Drawing on the expertise of contributors from a range of disciplines including geomechanics, optimization, and computational engineering, this book provides an interdisciplinary guide to this subject which is suitable for readers from a range of backgrounds.

Before tackling the computational approaches, a theoretical understanding of the physical systems is provided that helps readers to fully grasp the significance of the numerical methods. The various models are presented in detail, and advice is provided on how to select the correct model for your application.

Provides detailed descriptions of different computational modelling methods for geotechnical applications, including the finite element method, the finite difference method, and the boundary element method + Gives readers the latest advice on the use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in geotechnical engineering + Includes case studies to help readers apply the methods described in their own work.

Jianye Ching ... 188 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; (August, 2024).

Bayesian data analysis and modelling linked with machine learning offers a new tool for handling geotechnical data. This book presents recent advancements made by the author in the area of probabilistic geotechnical site characterization.

Two types of correlation play central roles in geotechnical site characterization: cross-correlation among soil properties and spatial-correlation in the underground space. The book starts with the introduction of Bayesian notion of probability “degree of belief”, showing that well-known probability axioms can be obtained by Boolean logic and the definition of plausibility function without the use of the notion “relative frequency”. It then reviews probability theories and useful probability models for cross-correlation and spatial correlation. Methods for Bayesian parameter estimation and prediction are also presented, and the use of these methods demonstrated with geotechnical site characterization examples.

Plaxis 2D and 3D 2024 (v24.02.00.1144) (Size: 4.0 GB) ... The PLAXIS development team is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS 2D and 3D 2024. Perform advanced finite element or limit equilibrium analysis of soil and rock deformation and stability, as well as soil structure interaction, groundwater, and heat flow.

The latest releases of PLAXIS marks our definitive transition to becoming part of Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company, with some minor cosmetic changes and a change to the version numbering. Benefit from workflow enhancements for rock and mining engineers, a new material model and SoilTest options for users working with unsaturated soils. PLAXIS 2D enters the world of subsurface digital twins and PLAXIS Monopile Designer users can improve their designs with additional design criteria. PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user friendly finite element package intended for two-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. Applications range from excavations, embankment and foundations to tunnelling, mining and reservoir geomechanics. PLAXIS is equipped with a broad range of advanced features to model a diverse range of geotechnical problems, all from within a single integrated software package. PLAXIS uses predefined structural elements and loading types in a CAD-like environment. This empowers the user with fast and efficient model creation, allowing more time to interpret the results.

Plaxis 3D is a software for analyzing the finite element stability and soil transformation in geotechnical engineering. The program, with its many features, fully analyzes geotechnical structures from different angles, and this analysis is based on the scientific and theoretical foundations that the researchers of this scientific branch have achieved. Plaxis 3D Foundation defines complex structures consisting of artificial structures and soil in separation modes, and separate work is possible on each mode. This user-friendly product is designed to be highly flexible in modeling and simulation, has a powerful processing core, and performs post-processing processes well. With its various features, this program is one of the best in the field of geotechnical engineering. plaxis is a company that specializes in geotechnical software and in addition to software, conferences and research seminars around the world. The banking software is based on a finite element analysis method that is used effectively in two-dimensional and three-dimensional products. The seminars held by Plexiglas are not about the software software training, but about the transfer of engineering knowledge among the members. Both to improve the quality of their products and to transfer the technical knowledge and achievements of the day among the researchers in this field.

Wengang Zhang, Yanmei Zhang, Runhong Zhang, Yongqin Li, Li Hong, Yuntao Yuan ... 770 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Elsevier; (May, 2024).

Design of Deep Braced Excavation in Urban Geotechnical Environments presents the design and calculation of deep braced excavation in urban geotechnical environments considering the soil characteristics of spatial variability and anisotropy, as well as excavation responses of urban adjacent utilities such as pipelines, tunnels, foundation piles and buildings. With economic development and further urbanization, excavation goes deeper, longer, and larger in scale. These conditions require advanced analysis and design methods.

The text begins with coverage of overall stability, earth pressure and strut force, retaining wall responses, and ground movements. Numerical modeling and computer codes are outlined in detail. The authors then take a close look at the design of jet grouting for deformation control, instrumentation and back analysis for excavation, and the characteristics of deep braced excavation in complex geological environment. The final chapters conclude with an examination of the determination of excavation responses of urban adjacent utilities and failure analysis based on several case histories.

This book provides the latest knowledge in both theory and practical application for geotechnical design engineers working on deep excavation problems. Presents the latest theory and knowledge surrounding deep braced excavations + Systematically outlines theory, field reports, calculations, and back analysis, making it much easier to master the work relevant with deep braced excavations + Provides detailed visual elements and hyperlinks to additional images and video for case excavations to enhance understanding.

Sreevalsa Kolathayar, N. Vinod Chandra Menon, K. S. Sreekeshava... 662 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎Springer (January, 2024).

This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IACESD 2023). The topics covered include emerging practices in geotechnical engineering and pavement, innovative approaches, and technologies to enhance the durability, sustainability, and performance of infrastructure, geosynthetics, geotechnical monitoring systems, and ground improvement techniques to address soil stability, settlement, and liquefaction issues. This book is useful for researchers and professionals’ geotechnical engineering.

EnSoft Suite 2024.03 [Size: 801 MB]: Developing and applying software solutions to complex engineering problems ... LPILE - Analyze response of piles and shafts in multi-layered soil media. + APILE - Analyze the axial capacity of driven piles in mutli-layered soils. + GROUP - Analyze response of pile groups in multi-layered soil media. + PYWall - Analyze flexible retaining walls in layered soils. + SHAFT - Study the response of drilled shafts under axial loading. + TZPILE - Analyze load-settlement relationships of vertically loaded piles with downdrag. + EnFEM - 2D finite element analysis with ability to perform soil-structure interaction and stage construction. + EnCPT - Process raw CPT data, generating and exporting soil layering and properties to LPILE. + DynaN - Determine the dynamic response of shallow and deep foundations. + DynaPile - Analyze the dynamic response of pile groups in horizontally layered elastic media. + DynaMat - Analyze the dynamic response of mat foundations under dynamic loading. + GeoMat - Analyze mat or structural slabs supported on soil media. + SETOFF - Software for computing foundation settlement. + STABLPRO - Software for computing the slope stability.

Contents: APILE 2023.10.5, APILE Offshore 2023.10.5, DynaMat 2018.3.2, DYNA-N v3.0.15, DynaPile 2016.3.2, EnCPT 2019.1.5, EnFEM 2019.1.1, GeoMat 2022.3.1, Group 2022.12.6, LPile 2022.12.10, PYWall 2022.7.7, SETOFF 2020.4.3, SHAFT 2023.9.3, StablPro 2015.4.5, TZPILE 2021.4.3.

Jie Zhang, Te Xiao, Jian Ji, Peng Zeng, Zijun Cao - 326 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Springer; (September, 2023).

This textbook systematically introduces the theories, methods, and algorithms for geotechnical reliability analysis. There are a lot of illustrative examples in the textbook such that readers can easily grasp the concepts and theories related to geotechnical reliability analysis. A unique feature of the textbook is that computer codes are also provided through carefully designed examples such that the methods and the algorithms described in the textbook can be easily understood. In addition, the computer codes are flexible and can be conveniently extended to analyze different types of realistic problems with little additional efforts.

Mihir Roy ... 490 pages - Language: English - Publisher‏: ‎Springer; (January, 2024) - ISBN-13: 978-9819979059.

This professional book is an important resource on the topics of geotechnical and foundation engineering for practicing engineers and consultants. It fills the gap between classroom education and real-world professional practice in green and brown field projects. It provides hands-on knowledge on various topics such as engineering geology, geotechnical investigation, site preparation, ground improvement, foundation on soft and filled-up soil, pile foundation, seepage control, erosion control and retaining wall, marine projects, simplified liquefaction potential assessment, tailing storage management at mines, failure during construction, site hazard and remedy and geotechnical and foundation engineering practice.

This book will be highly useful for professionals and practicing engineers in the area of geotechnical and foundations engineering. It will also be a useful reference for graduate and postgraduate students and the faculty in the same field.

Hoang Nguyen, Xuan-Nam Bui, Erkan Topal, Jian Zhou, Yosoon Choi, Wengang Zhang ... 496 pages - Publisher: Elsevier; (December, 2023) - ISBN-10: ‎0443187649 - ISBN-13: ‎978-0443187643.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mining, Geotechnical and Geoengineering provides recent advances in mining, geotechnical and geoengineering, as well as applications of artificial intelligence in these areas. It serves as the first book on applications of artificial intelligence in mining, geotechnical and geoengineering, providing an opportunity for researchers, scholars, engineers, practitioners and data scientists from all over the world to understand current developments and applications. Topics covered include slopes, open-pit mines, quarries, shafts, tunnels, caverns, underground mines, metro systems, dams and hydro-electric stations, geothermal energy, petroleum engineering, and radioactive waste disposal.

In the geotechnical and geo-engineering aspects, topics of specific interest include, but are not limited to, foundation, dam, tunneling, geohazard, geoenvironmental and petroleum engineering, rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, soil mechanics and foundation engineering, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, petroleum engineering, engineering geology, etc. + Guides readers through the process of gathering, processing, and analyzing datasets specifically tailored for mining, geotechnical, and engineering challenges. + Examines the evolution and practical implementation of artificial intelligence models in predicting, forecasting, and optimizing solutions for mining, geotechnical, and engineering problems. + Offers cutting-edge methodologies to address the most demanding and complex issues encountered in the fields of mining, geotechnical studies, and engineering.

Mohamad H. Hussein, William M. Camp, J. Brian Anderson ... 736 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); (April, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784410933 - ISBN-13: 978-0784410936.

Art of Foundation Engineering Practice (GSP 198) honours Clyde N. Baker, Jr., P. E. S.E. Honorary Member of ASCE. For more than 50 years Clyde Baker has made distinguished contributions to the advancement of foundation engineering design, analysis, construction, and monitoring starting with the early Chicago high-rise buildings up to the world's current record-setting skyscrapers. It contains 38 technical papers contributed by professors, researchers practicing structural and geotechnical engineers, and contractors. This book is a valuable source of information for: historical reviews of land and offshore foundations work; fundamental and advanced foundation analytical procedures; foundation design using in situ geotechnical measurements; drilled shafts in soft and hard rock; foundations in difficult soils and geologic conditions: driven piles; foundations for static and dynamic loads; testing and long-term monitoring; and case histories. It also includes a paper by Mr. Baker based on his 2009 Terzaghi Lecture. Geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, foundation specialists, academics, researchers, geotechnologists, construction engineers, superintendents, and inspectors will find something interesting and beneficial in this book.

ZSOIL v23.54 [Size: 1.03 GB] ...
ZSOIL is the Windows-Based Finite Element Software offering a unified approach to numerical simulation of soil and rock mechanics, above & underground structures, excavations, soil-structure interaction and underground flow, including dynamics, thermal and moisture migration analysis. ZSoil is available for Windows 10&11.

ZSOIL is the first integrated computer code that offered a unified approach to most of the natural processes encountered in geotechnical and foundation engineering, including stability, consolidation, creep and underground flow, excavations and soil-structure interactions. Typical engineering problems that are being handled worldwide with ZSOIL are: foundation and earthwork construction, include tunnels, underground storage facilities, metro stations, mining, cut or fill in highways, railroads, dams, temporary and final retaining structures, water-front and excavation systems with complex excavation sequences, hydraulic structures, and buildings.

ZSOIL is a continuously upgraded geotechnical, foundation and underground flow engineering software based on the finite-element method and written in the MS-Windows environment. The program has been used with great success in forensic analysis and design studies, covering without exception all possible scenarios encountered in real world case studies. ZSOIL has been developed at Zace Services Ltd since 1982. The latest versions were developed by a team led by A.Truty, K.Podles & Th.Zimmermann, with research experience at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), U.C.Berkeley, and Caltech.

ZSOIL ANALYSES: Nonlinear small and large displacements. Axi-symmetric, Plane strain, and 3D drivers offering single and 2-phase analyses, including partial saturation, with any combination of the algorithmic options that are listed below. + Automatic evaluation of initial stress conditions including steady state flow: combination of gravity and initial-stresses allows an automatic reproduction of the most complex initial state conditions, including existing constructions. +

Stability analysis: through C-phi reduction and stress level algorithms lead to a reliable assessment of safety factors and failure surfaces for the most general problem geometries. Simpler and more general than usual sliding surface approaches. Possibility to analyze safety with respect to local material properties or features like contact surfaces. Ultimate load and deformation analysis.

Prestress conditions (anchors): Simulation of Excavation, construction stages, simulation of fill for cut and cover construction, combined with any sequence of drivers, allowing removal or addition of construction parts, loads, boundary conditions etc, unloading control capability in order to simulate 3-dimensional effects in 2D. Continuous safety assessment.

Consolidation, volumetric and deviatoric creep and swelling (time dependent processes). Flow, steady or transient, fully or partially saturated, with time dependent boundary conditions; fullly arbitrary flow conditions with free surface, seepage surfaces, as well as rain inflow, impermeable zones, coupled or uncoupled with solid deformation can easily be accounted for. Thermal/or moisture migration analysis: Transient thermal/or moisture migration analysis can be performed as a preprocessing in order to define temperature time-histories to be accounted for later in the mechanical analysis.

Dynamic time integration and Pushover analysis for structures, including soil structure interaction.

Constitutive models for continuum include: elastic, Drucker-Prager, Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Multilaminate, Modified Cam-Clay, HS_small strain, Cap model, Densification model, Menétrey-Willam, damage-plastic concrete model (with fire extension), and a Virtual Lab to assist users in data preparation.

ZSOIL uses exclusively linear elements, enhanced (BBAR, enhanced strains, stabilised formulation) to overcome locking phenomena. Finite elements include: truss, cable, beam, plate, shell, thick shell and continuum for single and 2-phase media.

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