Articles by "Materials"

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George F. Limbrunner, Craig T. D'allaird ...552 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: Pearson; 7th edition (January, 2021).

Applied Statics and Strengths of Materials helps you master the basic principles and physical concepts of statics and strength of materials, so you can solve real-world problems. Using intermediate math rather than calculus, the text gives you the background in mechanics needed in civil, mechanical, construction, architectural, industrial and manufacturing technologies fields. To reinforce concepts, rigorous example problems follow explanations of theory and end-of-chapter problems provide ample practice.

The 7th Edition has been completely updated and revised to meet current industry standards.

P. Purushothama Raj ... Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎ Pearson India; (January, 2016) - ISBN-10: 9332544794 - ISBN-13: ‎ 978-9332544796.

Building Construction Materials and Techniques follows a unique approach to the subject by including both materials and construction techniques in a combined text as per the latest trends in university curriculums. It also caters to the needs of the universities where these subjects are offered across two semesters as well. Of the 32 chapters in this book, 13 are dedicated to building construction materials while the remaining 19 focus on conventional as well as modern techniques in construction. The chapters are supplemented by a plethora of self-explanatory illustrations for easy comprehension. Relevant references to IS codes and standards make this text ideal for extended learning.

Krzysztof Schabowicz ... 576 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Mdpi AG; (July, 2023) - ISBN-10: 3036578889 - ISBN-13: 978-3036578880.

This book was proposed and organized as a means to present recent developments in the field of testing of materials and elements in civil engineering. For this reason, the articles highlighted in this editorial relate to different aspects of this topic, from building materials to building structures. The current trend in the development of materials testing in civil engineering is mainly concerned with the detection of flaws and defects in elements and structures using destructive, semidestructive, and nondestructive testing.

Volume 1 + Volume 2

Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston Jr., John T. DeWolf, David Mazurek ... 864 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎ McGraw-Hill Education; 3rd edition (March, 2020).

The approach of the Beer and Johnston series has been appreciated by hundreds of thousands of students over decades of engineering education. Maintaining the proven methodology and pedagogy of the Beer and Johnson series, Statics and Mechanics of Materials combines the theory and application behind these two subjects into one cohesive text focusing on teaching students to analyze problems in a simple and logical manner and, then, to use fundamental and well-understood principles in the solution.

The addition of Case Studies based on real-world engineering problems provides students with an immediate application of the theory. A wealth of problems, Beer and Johnston's hallmark sample problems, and valuable review and summary sections at the end of each chapter, highlight the key pedagogy of the text.

Zhishen Wu, Yufei Wu, Mohamed F. M. Fahmy ... 517 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎Woodhead Publishing; (July, 2020).

Structures Strengthened with Bonded Composites presents a comprehensive resource on the strengthening of concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete, masonry, steel and other composite structures using externally-bonded FRP composites. The book emphasizes a systematic and fundamental investigation on bonding and debonding behavior of the FRP-concrete interface and structural performances of FRP-strengthened structures with a combination of experimental, theoretical and numerical studies. This book will appeal to all those concerned with strengthening and retrofitting of existing structures from the effect of additional anticipated loads in the civil sector.

Discusses the FRP strengthening of different types of structures, including bridges, tunnels, buildings, historic structures and underwater constructions + Establishes a systematic theory on interfacial fracture mechanics and clarifies different debonding mechanisms + Describes design methods and makes comparison of design considerations and methods among different countries + Presents temperature and fatigue effects and long-term behavior for different strengthening methods.

Eva Kultermann, William P. Spence ... 960 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 5th edition (April, 2021)- ISBN-10:‎ 0357513835 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-0357513835.

Get a thorough overview of sustainable methods for site, residential and commercial building construction with this comprehensive text, which covers both traditional and contemporary materials, current industry standards and new and emerging technologies. The only text organized according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat standards, Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques: Building for a Sustainable Future, Fifth Edition, features a reader-friendly style and logical structure, which follows the construction process step-by-step from project inception to completion. The new edition provides up-to-date coverage of dramatic changes underway in the construction industry, including advances in pre-fabricated construction; increased use of drones, robotics and artificial intelligence; net-zero buildings and lean construction. You'll learn about key current industry developments and standards, as well as latest relevant building codes, all presented within a dynamic, richly illustrated new design. Beyond the text itself, you can access a wealth of helpful learning resources to help you gain a clear understanding of today's construction materials, methods and techniques, providing a critical foundation for your career success.

Mark Alexander, A. Bentur, S. Mindess ... 256 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (September, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1482237253 - ISBN-13: 978-1482237252.

Engineers increasingly face durability issues in concrete design and construction with the emphasis slowly but inexorably shifting to "design for durability." Growing pressure from owners and infrastructure agencies for designers and constructors to deliver durable concrete infrastructure, coupled with a focus on sustainability, requires that engineers have the latest tools to handle these challenges. This book provides an up-to-date survey of durability issues, including durability design and specifications as well as how to actually achieve durability in concrete construction.

A. T. Papagiannakis, E. A. Masad ... 552 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (January, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471214612 - ISBN-13: 978-047121461. 

A comprehensive, state-of-the-art guide to pavement design and materials With innovations ranging from the advent of Superpave(t), the data generated by the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) project, to the recent release of the Mechanistic-Empirical pavement design guide developed under NCHRP Study 1-37A, the field of pavement engineering is experiencing significant development. Pavement Design and Materials is a practical reference for both students and practicing engineers that explores all the aspects of pavement engineering, including materials, analysis, design, evaluation, and economic analysis. Historically, numerous techniques have been applied by a multitude of jurisdictions dealing with roadway pavements. This book focuses on the best-established, currently applicable techniques available. 

Pavement Design and Materials offers complete coverage of: * The characterization of traffic input* The characterization of pavement bases/subgrades and aggregates* Asphalt binder and asphalt concrete characterization* Portland cement and concrete characterization* Analysis of flexible and rigid pavements* Pavement evaluation* Environmental effects on pavements* The design of flexible and rigid pavements* Pavement rehabilitation* Economic analysis of alternative pavement designs The coverage is accompanied by suggestions for software for implementing various analytical techniques described in these chapters. These tools are easily accessible through the book's companion Web site, which is constantly updated to ensure that the reader finds the most up-to-date software available.

Cliff Nicholls, Arthur Hannah ... 164 pages ... Publisher: CRC Press; (August, 2019) - Language: English - ASIN: B07X7KJ6YV.

This practical guide starts with a survey of the types of site and the asphalt properties which are required. Various external influences which may affect the relative importance of some properties are addressed, and the interplay of sites and external is considered. Asphalt mixture types and their properties are reviewed, largely as defined in the EN 13108 series but subdivided into further categories, and into maximum nominal coarse aggregate sizes using EN 13043 basic set plus set 2 sizes. Guidance is given, including using flowcharts, of the different mixtures that are suitable for each situation. In some cases a range of choices or mixtures with different degrees of suitability is offered. The guidance covers surface course, binder course and base, but with more focus on the surface course where the external influence is most significant. The site and external influence combinations on which a mixture can be used successfully are also given. The book is primarily intended for those who select asphalt on an occasional basis, such as architects or housing developers, but could be of use to other engineers with limited experience. It is also useful as an educational textbook for those studying asphalt technology.

M. Rashad Islam, Rafiqul A. Tarefder ... 576 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; (July, 2020) - Language: English ... ISBN-10: 1260458911 - ISBN-13: 978-1260458916.

This student-friendly textbook offers comprehensive coverage of pavement design and highways. Written by two seasoned civil engineering educators, the book contains precise explanations of traditional and computerized mechanistic design methods along with detailed examples of real-world pavement and highway projects. Pavement Design: Materials, Analysis, and Highways shows, step by step, how to apply the latest, software-based AASHTOWare Pavement Mechanistic-Empirical Design method. Each design topic is covered in separate, modular chapters, enabling you to tailor a course of study. Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) sample questions are also provided in each chapter.

Coverage includes: Stress-strain in pavement - Soils, aggregates, asphalt, and portland cement concrete - Traffic analysis for pavement design - Distresses and distress-prediction models in flexible and rigid pavement - Flexible and rigid pavement design by AASHTO 1993 and AASHTOWare - Overlay and drainage design - Sustainable and rehabilitation pavement design, pavement management, and recycling - Geometric design of highways

Chandrakant S. Desai, Musharraf Zaman ... 638 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (November, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466515600 - ISBN-13: 978-1466515604. 

Soil-structure interaction is an area of major importance in geotechnical engineering and geomechanics Advanced Geotechnical Engineering: Soil-Structure Interaction using Computer and Material Models covers computer and analytical methods for a number of geotechnical problems. It introduces the main factors important to the application of computer methods and constitutive models with emphasis on the behavior of soils, rocks, interfaces, and joints, vital for reliable and accurate solutions. This book presents finite element (FE), finite difference (FD), and analytical methods and their applications by using computers, in conjunction with the use of appropriate constitutive models; they can provide realistic solutions for soil–structure problems. A part of this book is devoted to solving practical problems using hand calculations in addition to the use of computer methods. The book also introduces commercial computer codes as well as computer codes developed by the authors.

Its Contents: Uses simplified constitutive models such as linear and nonlinear elastic for resistance-displacement response in 1-D problems + Uses advanced constitutive models such as elasticplastic, continued yield plasticity and DSC for microstructural changes leading to microcracking, failure and liquefaction + Delves into the FE and FD methods for problems that are idealized as two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) + Covers the application for 3-D FE methods and an approximate procedure called multicomponent methods + Includes the application to a number of problems such as dams , slopes, piles, retaining (reinforced earth) structures, tunnels, pavements, seepage, consolidation, involving field measurements, shake table, and centrifuge tests + Discusses the effect of interface response on the behavior of geotechnical systems and liquefaction (considered as a microstructural instability).

This text is useful to practitioners, students, teachers, and researchers who have backgrounds in geotechnical, structural engineering, and basic mechanics courses.

M. Nadim Hassoun, Akthem Al-Manaseer ... 960 pages - ISBN-13: 978-1119605119 - ISBN-10: 1119605113 ... Publisher: Wiley; 7th Edition (February, 2020) - Language: English.

The leading structural concrete design reference for over two decades―updated to reflect the latest ACI 318-19 code: A go-to resource for structural engineering students and professionals for over twenty years, this newly updated text on concrete structural design and analysis reflects the most recent ACI 318-19 code. It emphasizes student comprehension by presenting design methods alongside relevant codes and standards. It also offers numerous examples (presented using SI units and US-SI conversion factors) and practice problems to guide students through the analysis and design of each type of structural member. New to Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, Seventh Edition are code provisions for transverse reinforcement and shear in wide beams, hanger reinforcement, and bi-directional interaction of one-way shear. This edition also includes the latest information on two-way shear strength, ordinary walls, seismic loads, reinforcement detailing and analysis, and materials requirements. This book covers the historical background of structural concrete; advantages and disadvantages; codes and practice; and design philosophy and concepts. It then launches into a discussion of the properties of reinforced concrete, and continues with chapters on flexural analysis and design; deflection and control of cracking; development length of reinforcing bars; designing with the strut-and-tie method; one-way slabs; axially loaded columns; and more.

Updated to align with the new ACI 318-19 code with new code provisions to include: transverse reinforcement and shear in wide beams, hanger reinforcement, bi-directional interaction of one-way shear, and reference to ACI certifications+ Includes dozens of worked examples that explain the analysis and design of structural members + Offers updated information on two-way shear strength, seismic loads, materials requirements, and more + Improves the design ability of students by explaining code requirements and restrictions + Provides examples in SI units in every chapter as well as conversion factors from customary units to SI + Offers instructors access to a solutions manual via the book's companion website.Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, Seventh Edition is an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate students in civil and structural engineering programs. It will also benefit concrete designers, structural engineers, and civil engineers focused on structures.

Steven W. Cranford, Kathryn E. Schulte Grahame, Matthew J. Eckelman, Craig M. Shillaber ... 282 pages - ISBN-10: 1516588037 - ISBN-13: 978-1516588039 ... Publisher : Cognella Academic Publishing; (December, 2019) - Language: : English.

Essentials of Civil Engineering Materials provides students with a foundational guide to the types of materials used in civil engineering, as well as how these materials behave under the conditions for which they were designed and a basic understanding of the science of the materials. This critical knowledge prepares students to carefully consider and confidently select the best materials for the design, construction, and maintenance of future projects. The text begins by introducing the basic requirements of engineering materials, material properties and standards, experimental design, economic factors, and the issue of sustainability. Additional chapters explore the mechanical principles of materials, composite models and viscoelasticity, and material chemistry. Students read about various types of materials, including metals, steel, aggregates and cementitious materials, and wood. The book concludes with a chapter dedicated to the topic of sustainability. Each chapter includes closing remarks to summarize the key concepts of the chapter and problems to help students retain important learnings.

Thomas J.C. Eun ... 922 pages - ISBN-10: 3030364291 - ISBN-13: 978-3030364298 ... Publisher : Springer; (September, 2020) - Language: : English.

This handbook is an in-depth guide to the practical aspects of materials and corrosion engineering in the energy and chemical industries. The book covers materials, corrosion, welding, heat treatment, coating, test and inspection, and mechanical design and integrity. A central focus is placed on industrial requirements, including codes, standards, regulations, and specifications that practicing material and corrosion engineers and technicians face in all roles and in all areas of responsibility. The comprehensive resource provides expert guidance on general corrosion mechanisms and recommends materials for the control and prevention of corrosion damage, and offers readers industry-tested best practices, rationales, and case studies.

Ferdinand Beer, E. Johnston, John DeWolf, David Mazurek ... 896 pages - Publisher : McGraw-Hill; 8th Edition (January, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN : B07ML49YW2.

Mechanics of Materials provides a precise presentation of subjects illustrated with numerous engineering examples that students both understand and relate to theory and application. The tried and true methodology for presenting material gives students the best opportunity to succeed in this course. From the detailed examples, to the homework problems, to the carefully developed solutions manual, instructors and students can be confident the material is clearly explained and accurately represented.

Rafat Siddique ... 386 pages - Publisher : Woodhead Publishing; (November, 2019) ... Language: : English - AmazonSIN : B081SSK8LJ.

Self-Compacting Concrete: Materials, Properties and Applications presents the latest research on various aspects of self-compacting concrete, including test methods, rheology, strength and durability properties, SCC properties at elevated temperature, SC manufacturing with the use of SCMs, recycled aggregates and industrial by-products. Written by an international group of contributors who are closely associated with the development of self-compacting concrete, the book explores the main differences between SCC and normal concrete in terms of raw materials, fresh properties and hardened properties. Other topics discussed include the structure and practical applications of fiber reinforced SCC. Researchers and experienced engineers will find this reference to be a systematic source to SCC with its accounting of the latest breakthroughs in the field and discussions of SCC constructability, structural integrity, improved flows into complex forms, and superior strength and durability. Offers a systematic and comprehensive source of information on the latest developments in SCC technology + Includes mix design procedures, tests standards, rheology, strength and durability properties + Explores the properties and practical applications of SCC.

Roy R. Craig Jr. ... 864 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 3rd edition (February, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470481811 - ISBN-13: 978-0470481813.

By emphasizing the three key concepts of mechanics of solids, this new edition helps engineers improve their problem-solving skills. They'll discover how these fundamental concepts underlie all of the applications presented, and they'll learn how to identify the equations needed to solve various problems. New discussions are included on literature reviews, focusing on the literature review found in proposals and research articles. Groupware communication tools including blogs, wikis and meeting applications are covered. More information is also presented on transmittal letters and PowerPoint style presentations.  And with the addition of detailed example problems, engineers will learn how to organize their solutions.

Pijush Samui, Dookie Kim, Nagesh R. Iyer, Sandeep Chaudhary ... 1104 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (July, 2020) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B08CZDJDS6.

New Materials in Civil Engineering provides engineers and scientists with the tools and methods needed to meet the challenge of designing and constructing more resilient and sustainable infrastructures. This book is a valuable guide to the properties, selection criteria, products, applications, lifecycle and recyclability of advanced materials. It presents an A-to-Z approach to all types of materials, highlighting their key performance properties, principal characteristics and applications. Traditional materials covered include concrete, soil, steel, timber, fly ash, geosynthetic, fiber-reinforced concrete, smart materials, carbon fiber and reinforced polymers. In addition, the book covers nanotechnology and biotechnology in the development of new materials.

Covers a variety of materials, including fly ash, geosynthetic, fiber-reinforced concrete, smart materials, carbon fiber reinforced polymer and waste materials + Provides a “one-stop” resource of information for the latest materials and practical applications + Includes a variety of different use case studies.

Paul Kurowski ... 600 pages - Publisher: SDC Publications; (March, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1630571539 - ISBN-13: 978-1630571535.

Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018 goes beyond the standard software manual. Its unique approach concurrently introduces you to the SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018 software and the fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) through hands-on exercises. A number of projects are presented using commonly used parts to illustrate the analysis features of SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Each chapter is designed to build on the skills, experiences and understanding gained from the previous chapters.

Stephen Emmitt ... 533 pages - Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 4th edition (August, 2018) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07H1MCFMV.

The revised fourth edition of Barry's Advanced Construction of Buildings expands on the resource that has become a standard text on the construction of buildings. The fourth edition covers the construction of larger-scale buildings (primarily residential, commercial and industrial) constructed with load bearing frames in timber, concrete and steel; supported by chapters on offsite construction, piling, envelopes to framed buildings, fit-out and second fix, lifts and escalators, building pathology, upgrading and demolition.

The author covers the functional and performance requirements of the main building elements as well as building efficiency and information on meeting the challenges of limiting the environmental impact of buildings. Each chapter includes new "at a glance" summaries that introduce the basic material giving a good understanding of the main points quickly and easily. The text is fully up to date with the latest building regulations and construction technology. This important resource: Covers design, technology, offsite construction, site assembly and environmental issues of larger-scale buildings including primarily residential, commercial and industrial buildings constructed with load bearing frames + Highlights the concept of building efficiency, with better integration of the topics throughout the text + Offers new "at a glance" summaries at the beginning of each chapter + Is a companion to Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings, fourth edition. Written for undergraduate students and those working towards similar NQF level 5 and 6 qualifications in building and construction, Barry's Advanced Construction of Buildings is a practical and highly illustrated guide to construction practice. It covers the materials and technologies involved in constructing larger scale buildings.

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