Articles by "Optimization"

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Georgios Gaganelis, Peter Mark, Patrick Forman ... 198 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Ernst & Sohn; (January, 2022).

Concrete is the most used building material. Its main component, cement, however, accounts production- related for up to 10 % of global CO2 emissions and is therefore a major contributor to human-induced climate change. Due to its low tensile strength, concrete must be further enhanced in tension with adequate reinforcement, such as steel. Producing the latter therefore additionally impacts the environment. Consequently, reducing the material amount for design and construction of structures, thus lowering material- and transport-induced emissions, represents a key element to climate protection. In this context, meeting the essential requirements, sustainability, serviceability, durability is yet indispensable.The book presents innovative optimization aided design methods for concrete structures. Mathematical optimization is applied to practical problems of structural concrete at each level: from external, through internal structure identification to cross-section design. It is shown how to design resource-efficient structures following the flux of forces, how to optimally adapt reinforcement layouts to the internal force flow, and how to efficiently cope with demanding cross-sectional design tasks such as biaxial bending.

The optimization aided design methods are discussed in detail and described vividly. They are independent of standards, concrete material (normal to ultra-high performance) and reinforcement type (steel fibers to carbon bars), thus universally applicable. The book illustrates the different approaches with numerous figures and calculation examples. Existing applications in structural engineering are presented to demonstrate the potential of optimization aided design concepts, including ultra-lightweight hybrid beams, thin concrete solar collectors, and improved reinforcement layouts for tunnel lining segments.

Jeffrey Paul Wheeler ... 474 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎Chapman and Hall/CRC; (December, 2023).

The primary goal of this text is a practical one. Equipping students with enough knowledge and creating an independent research platform, the author strives to prepare students for professional careers. Providing students with a marketable skill set requires topics from many areas of optimization. The initial goal of this text is to develop a marketable skill set for mathematics majors as well as for students of engineering, computer science, economics, statistics, and business. Optimization reaches into many different fields.

This text provides a balance where one is needed. Mathematics optimization books are often too heavy on theory without enough applications; texts aimed at business students are often strong on applications, but weak on math. The book represents an attempt at overcoming this imbalance for all students taking such a course.

The book contains many practical applications but also explains the mathematics behind the techniques, including stating definitions and proving theorems. Optimization techniques are at the heart of the first spam filters, are used in self-driving cars, play a great role in machine learning, and can be used in such places as determining a batting order in a Major League Baseball game. Additionally, optimization has seemingly limitless other applications in business and industry. In short, knowledge of this subject offers an individual both a very marketable skill set for a wealth of jobs as well as useful tools for research in many academic disciplines.

Many of the problems rely on using a computer. Microsoft’s Excel is most often used, as this is common in business, but Python and other languages are considered. The consideration of other programming languages permits experienced mathematics and engineering students to use MATLAB® or Mathematica, and the computer science students to write their own programs in Java or Python.

Punit Gupta, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Pradeep Singh Rawat, Kashif Zia ... 268 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: ‎Auerbach Publications; (January, 2023).

A new era of complexity science is emerging, in which nature- and bio-inspired principles are being applied to provide solutions. At the same time, the complexity of systems is increasing due to such models like the Internet of Things (IoT) and fog computing. Will complexity science, applying the principles of nature, be able to tackle the challenges posed by highly complex networked systems?

Bio-Inspired Optimization in Fog and Edge Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems is an attempt to answer this question. It presents innovative, bio-inspired solutions for fog and edge computing and highlights the role of machine learning and informatics. Nature- or biological-inspired techniques are successful tools to understand and analyze a collective behavior. As this book demonstrates, algorithms, and mechanisms of self-organization of complex natural systems have been used to solve optimization problems, particularly in complex systems that are adaptive, ever-evolving, and distributed in nature.

The chapters look at ways of enhancingto enhance the performance of fog networks in real-world applications using nature-based optimization techniques. They discuss challenges and provide solutions to the concerns of security, privacy, and power consumption in cloud data center nodes and fog computing networks. The book also examines how: The existing fog and edge architecture is used to provide solutions to future challenges. + A geographical information system (GIS) can be used with fog computing to help users in an urban region access prime healthcare. + An optimization framework helps in cloud resource management. + Fog computing can improve the quality, quantity, long-term viability, and cost-effectiveness in agricultural production. + Virtualization can support fog computing, increase resources to be allocated, and be applied to different network layers. + The combination of fog computing and IoT or cloud computing can help healthcare workers predict and analyze diseases in patients.

Mircea Ancau ... 295 pages - Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing; (November, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1527538494 - ISBN-13: 978-1527538498.

A comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms for the design of engineering systems: This book offers a comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms. The book approaches optimization from an engineering perspective, where the objective is to design a system that optimizes a set of metrics subject to constraints. Readers will learn about computational approaches for a range of challenges, including searching high-dimensional spaces, handling problems where there are multiple competing objectives, and accommodating uncertainty in the metrics. Figures, examples, and exercises convey the intuition behind the mathematical approaches. The text provides concrete implementations in the Julia programming language.

Igor Griva, Stephen G. Nash, Ariela Sofer ... 764 pages - Publisher: Society for Industrial Mathematics; 2nd edition (December, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0898716616 - ISBN-13: 978-0898716610.

This book introduces the applications, theory, and algorithms of linear and nonlinear optimization, with an emphasis on the practical aspects of the material. Its unique modular structure provides flexibility to accommodate the varying needs of instructors, students, and practitioners with different levels of sophistication in these topics. The succinct style of this second edition is punctuated with numerous real-life examples and exercises, and the authors include accessible explanations of topics that are not often mentioned in textbooks, such as duality in nonlinear optimization, primal-dual methods for nonlinear optimization, filter methods, and applications such as support-vector machines. Part I of Linear and Nonlinear Optimization, Second Edition provides fundamentals that can be taught in whole or in part at the beginning of a course on either topic and then referred to as needed. Part II on linear programming and Part III on unconstrained optimization can be used together or separately, and Part IV on nonlinear optimization can be taught without having studied the material in Part II. In the preface the authors suggest course outlines that can be adjusted to the requirements of a particular course on both linear and nonlinear optimization, or to separate courses on these topics. Three appendices provide information on linear algebra, other fundamentals, and software packages for optimization problems. A supplemental website offers auxiliary data sets that are necessary for some of the exercises.

Audience: This book is primarily intended for use in linear and nonlinear optimization courses for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. It is also appropriate as a tutorial for researchers and practitioners who need to understand the modern algorithms of linear and nonlinear optimization to apply them to problems in science and engineering. Contents: Preface; Part I: Basics; Chapter 1: Optimization Models; Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Optimization; Chapter 3: Representation of Linear Constraints; Part II: Linear Programming; Chapter 4: Geometry of Linear Programming; Chapter 5: The Simplex Method; Chapter 6: Duality and Sensitivity; Chapter 7: Enhancements of the Simplex Method; Chapter 8: Network Problems; Chapter 9: Computational Complexity of Linear Programming; Chapter 10: Interior-Point Methods of Linear Programming; Part III: Unconstrained Optimization; Chapter 11: Basics of Unconstrained Optimization; Chapter 12: Methods for Unconstrained Optimization; Chapter 13: Low-Storage Methods for Unconstrained Problems; Part IV: Nonlinear Optimization; Chapter 14: Optimality Conditions for Constrained Problems; Chapter 15: Feasible-Point Methods; Chapter 16: Penalty and Barrier Methods; Part V: Appendices; Appendix A: Topics from Linear Algebra; Appendix B: Other Fundamentals; Appendix C: Software; Bibliography; Index

Wenyu Sun, Ya-Xiang Yuan ... 688 pages - Publisher: Springer; (May, 2006) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0387249753 - ISBN-13: 978-0387249759.

This book, a result of the author's teaching and research experience in various universities and institutes over the past ten years, can be used as a textbook for an optimization course for graduates and senior undergraduates. It systematically describes optimization theory and several powerful methods, including recent results. For most methods, the authors discuss an idea’s motivation, study the derivation, establish the global and local convergence, describe algorithmic steps, and discuss the numerical performance. The book deals with both theory and algorithms of optimization concurrently. It also contains an extensive bibliography. Finally, apart from its use for teaching, Optimization Theory and Methods will be very beneficial as a research reference.

Xin-She Yang, Gebrail Bekdas, Sinan Melih Nigdeli ... 302 pages - Publisher: Springer;(December, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319262432 - ISBN-13: 978-3319262437.

This timely book deals with a current topic, i.e. the applications of metaheuristic algorithms, with a primary focus on optimization problems in civil engineering. The first chapter offers a concise overview of different kinds of metaheuristic algorithms, explaining their advantages in solving complex engineering problems that cannot be effectively tackled by traditional methods, and citing the most important works for further reading. The remaining chapters report on advanced studies on the applications of certain metaheuristic algorithms to specific engineering problems. Genetic algorithm, bat algorithm, cuckoo search, harmony search and simulated annealing are just some of the methods presented and discussed step by step in real-application contexts, in which they are often used in combination with each other. Thanks to its synthetic yet meticulous and practice-oriented approach, the book is a perfect guide for graduate students, researchers and professionals willing to applying metaheuristic algorithms in civil engineering and other related engineering fields, such as mechanical, transport and geotechnical engineering. It is also a valuable aid for both lectures and advanced engineering students.

Dan Stefanoiu, Pierre Borne, Dumitru Popescu, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Abdelkader El Kamel ... 445 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; (October, 2014) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B00P3W32R8.

The purpose of this book is to present the main metaheuristics and approximate and stochastic methods for optimization of complex systems in Engineering Sciences. It has been written within the framework of the European Union project ERRIC, which is funded by the EU’s FP7 Research Potential program and has been developed in co-operation between French and Romanian teaching researchers. Through the principles of various proposed algorithms (with additional references) this book allows the reader to explore various methods of implementation such as metaheuristics, local search and populationbased methods. It examines multi-objective and stochastic optimization, as well as methods and tools for computer-aided decision-making and simulation for decision-making.

Farouk Yalaoui, Lionel Amodeo, El-Ghazali Talbi ... 649 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Springer; (December, 2020) ... AmazonSIN: B08QR86X4J.

This book is a new contribution aiming to give some last research findings in the field of optimization and computing. This work is in the same field target than our two previous books published: “Recent Developments in Metaheuristics” and “Metaheuristics for Production Systems”, books in Springer Series in Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces. The challenge with this work is to gather the main contribution in three fields, optimization technique for production decision, general development for optimization and computing method and wider spread applications.

The number of researches dealing with decision maker tool and optimization method grows very quickly these last years and in a large number of fields. We may be able to read nice and worthy works from research developed in chemical, mechanical, computing, automotive and many other fields.

Marco Locatelli, Fabio Schoen ... 445 pages - Publisher: SIAM-Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (October, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1611972663 - ISBN-13: 978-1611972665.

This volume contains a thorough overview of the rapidly growing field of global optimization, with chapters on key topics such as complexity, heuristic methods, derivation of lower bounds for minimization problems, and branch-and-bound methods and convergence. The final chapter offers both benchmark test problems and applications of global optimization, such as finding the conformation of a molecule or planning an optimal trajectory for interplanetary space travel. An appendix provides fundamental information on convex and concave functions.

Audience: Global Optimization is intended for Ph.D. students, researchers, and practitioners looking for advanced solution methods to difficult optimization problems. It can be used as a supplementary text in an advanced graduate-level seminar. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Complexity; Chapter 3: Heuristics; Chapter 4: Lower Bounds; Chapter 5: Branch and Bound; Chapter 6: Problems; Appendix A: Basic Definitions and Results on Convexity; Appendix B: Notation.

Pedro Ponce-Cruz, Arturo Molina Gutiérrez, Ricardo A. Ramírez-Mendoza, Efraín Méndez Flores, Alexandro Antonio Ortiz Espinoza, David Christopher Balderas Silva ... 178 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (June, 2020) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B08LGNKST8.

Metaheuristic optimization has become a prime alternative for solving complex optimization problems in several areas. Hence, practitioners and researchers have been paying extensive attention to those metaheuristic algorithms that are mainly based on natural phenomena. However, when those algorithms are implemented, there are not enough books that deal with theoretical and experimental problems in a friendly manner so this book presents a novel structure that includes a complete description of the most important metaheuristic optimization algorithms as well as a new proposal of a new metaheuristic optimization named earthquake optimization. This book also has several practical exercises and a toolbox for MATLAB® and a toolkit for LabVIEW are integrated as complementary material for this book. These toolkits allow readers to move from a simulation environment to an experimentation one very fast. This book is suitable for researchers, students, and professionals in several areas, such as economics, architecture, computer science, electrical engineering, and control systems.

The unique features of this book are as follows: Developed for researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners + A friendly description of the main metaheuristic optimization algorithms + Theoretical and practical optimization examples + A new earthquake optimization algorithm + Updated state-of-the-art and research optimization projects.

João Paulo Coelho, Tatiana M. Pinho, José Boaventura-Cunha ... 296 pages - ISBN-13: 978-0367203498 ... Publisher: CRC Press; (August, 2019) - Language: English.

This book presents, in an integrated form, both the analysis and synthesis of three different types of hidden Markov models. Unlike other books on the subject, it is generic and does not focus on a specific theme, e.g. speech processing. Moreover, it presents the translation of hidden Markov models’ concepts from the domain of formal mathematics into computer codes using MATLAB. The unique feature of this book is that the theoretical concepts are first presented using an intuition-based approach followed by the description of the fundamental algorithms behind hidden Markov models using MATLAB. This approach, by means of analysis followed by synthesis, is suitable for those who want to study the subject using a more empirical approach.

Key Selling Points: Presents a broad range of concepts related to Hidden Markov Models (HMM), from simple problems to advanced theory + Covers the analysis of both continuous and discrete Markov chains + Discusses the translation of HMM concepts from the realm of formal mathematics into computer code + Offers many examples to supplement mathematical notation when explaining new concepts.

Shun-Zheng Yu ... 208 pages - AmazonSIN: B017A382CC ... Language: English - Publisher: Elsevier; (October, 2015).

Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are among the most important models in the area of artificial intelligence / machine learning. Since the first HSMM was introduced in 1980 for machine recognition of speech, three other HSMMs have been proposed, with various definitions of duration and observation distributions. Those models have different expressions, algorithms, computational complexities, and applicable areas, without explicitly interchangeable forms. Hidden Semi-Markov Models: Theory, Algorithms and Applications provides a unified and foundational approach to HSMMs, including various HSMMs (such as the explicit duration, variable transition, and residential time of HSMMs), inference and estimation algorithms, implementation methods and application instances. Learn new developments and state-of-the-art emerging topics as they relate to HSMMs, presented with examples drawn from medicine, engineering and computer science.

Discusses the latest developments and emerging topics in the field of HSMMs + Includes a description of applications in various areas including, Human Activity Recognition, Handwriting Recognition, Network + Traffic Characterization and Anomaly Detection, and Functional MRI Brain Mapping. + Shows how to master the basic techniques needed for using HSMMs and how to apply them.

David R. Westhead, M. S. Vijayabaskar ... 231 pages - ISBN-13: 978-1493967513 ... Publisher: Humana; (February, 2017) - Language: English - AmazonSIN: 1493967517.

This volume aims to provide a new perspective on the broader usage of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) in biology. Hidden Markov Models: Methods and Protocols guides readers through chapters on biological systems; ranging from single biomolecule, cellular level, and to organism level and the use of HMMs in unravelling the complex mechanisms that govern these complex systems. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. 

Authoritative and practical, Hidden Markov Models: Methods and Protocols aims to demonstrate the impact of HMM in biology and inspire new research.

Kaushik Kumar, J. Paulo Davim ... 179 pages - AmazonSIN: B07V7SN988 ... Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; (July, 2019) - Language: English.

Optimization is central to any problem involving decision-making in engineering. Optimization theory and methods deal with selecting the best option regarding the given objective function or performance index. New algorithmic and theoretical techniques have been developed for this purpose, and have rapidly diffused into other disciplines. As a result, our knowledge of all aspects of the field has grown even more profound. In Optimization for Engineering Problems, eminent researchers in the field present the latest knowledge and techniques on the subject of optimization in engineering. Whereas the majority of work in this area focuses on other applications, this book applies advanced and algorithm-based optimization techniques specifically to problems in engineering.

Taufik Abrão ... 292 pages - Publisher: (February, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-13: 978-9535109839.

Heuristic Search is an important sub-discipline of optimization theory and finds applications in a vast variety of fields, including life science and engineering. Search methods have been useful in solving tough engineering-oriented problems that either could not be solved any other way or solutions take a very long time to be computed. This book explores a variety of applications for search methods and techniques in different fields of electrical engineering. By organizing relevant results and applications, this book will serve as a useful resource for students, researchers and practitioners to further exploit the potential of search methods in solving hard optimization problems that arise in advanced engineering technologies, such as image and video processing issues, detection and resource allocation in telecommunication systems, security and harmonic reduction in power generation systems, as well as redundancy optimization problem and search-fuzzy learning mechanisms in industrial applications.

Lindo What'sBest! v17.0.0.0 x64 [Size: 57.7 MB] ... What'sBest! is an add-in to Excel that allows you to build large scale optimization models in a free form layout within a spreadsheet. What'sBest! combines the proven power of Linear, Nonlinear (convex and nonconvex/Global), Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone, Semi-Definite, Stochastic, and Integer optimization with Microsoft Excel - the most popular and flexible business modeling environment in use today. The recently released What'sBest! 15.0 includes a number of significant enhancements and new features. Enhancements to the Simplex solvers boost performance on linear models. Large models solve an average of 20% faster using primal simplex and 15% faster for dual simplex. New symmetry detection capabilities dramatically reduce the time required to prove optimality on certain classes of models with integer variables. Performance has been improved on Markowitz portfolio problems with minimum buy quantities, and/or limit on number of instruments at nonzero level. Other enhancements provide faster solutions on certain task assignment-like models. Stability and robustness of the Global solver has been improved through several enhancements to quadratic recognition and range reduction. Improved exploitation of convexity of certain ratio constraints, e.g., as found in heat exchanger network design problems. Several new functions and constraint types are recognized, e.g., the =WBALLDIFF() All Different constraint, for general integer variables. The =WBALLDIFF() function allows one to specify a set of integer variables, such that each variable in the set must have a unique value, different from all other variables in the set.

Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler ... 520 pages - Publisher: The MIT Press; (March, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0262039427 - ISBN-13: 978-0262039420.

A comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms for the design of engineering systems: This book offers a comprehensive introduction to optimization with a focus on practical algorithms. The book approaches optimization from an engineering perspective, where the objective is to design a system that optimizes a set of metrics subject to constraints. Readers will learn about computational approaches for a range of challenges, including searching high-dimensional spaces, handling problems where there are multiple competing objectives, and accommodating uncertainty in the metrics. Figures, examples, and exercises convey the intuition behind the mathematical approaches. The text provides concrete implementations in the Julia programming language. Topics covered include derivatives and their generalization to multiple dimensions; local descent and first- and second-order methods that inform local descent; stochastic methods, which introduce randomness into the optimization process; linear constrained optimization, when both the objective function and the constraints are linear; surrogate models, probabilistic surrogate models, and using probabilistic surrogate models to guide optimization; optimization under uncertainty; uncertainty propagation; expression optimization; and multidisciplinary design optimization. Appendixes offer an introduction to the Julia language, test functions for evaluating algorithm performance, and mathematical concepts used in the derivation and analysis of the optimization methods discussed in the text. The book can be used by advanced undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics, statistics, computer science, any engineering field, (including electrical engineering and aerospace engineering), and operations research, and as a reference for professionals.

Naiyang Deng, Yingjie Tian, Chunhua Zhang ... 363 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (December, 2012) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B00OD4GXCI.

Support Vector Machines: Optimization Based Theory, Algorithms, and Extensions presents an accessible treatment of the two main components of support vector machines (SVMs)—classification problems and regression problems. The book emphasizes the close connection between optimization theory and SVMs since optimization is one of the pillars on which SVMs are built. The authors share insight on many of their research achievements. They give a precise interpretation of statistical leaning theory for C-support vector classification. They also discuss regularized twin SVMs for binary classification problems, SVMs for solving multi-classification problems based on ordinal regression, SVMs for semi-supervised problems, and SVMs for problems with perturbations. To improve readability, concepts, methods, and results are introduced graphically and with clear explanations. For important concepts and algorithms, such as the Crammer-Singer SVM for multi-class classification problems, the text provides geometric interpretations that are not depicted in current literature. Enabling a sound understanding of SVMs, this book gives beginners as well as more experienced researchers and engineers the tools to solve real-world problems using SVMs.

Anand J. Kulkarni, Suresh Chandra Satapathy ... 197 pages - Publisher: Springer; (November, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B0825P5H9C.

This book discusses one of the major applications of artificial intelligence: the use of machine learning to extract useful information from multimodal data. It discusses the optimization methods that help minimize the error in developing patterns and classifications, which further helps improve prediction and decision-making. The book also presents formulations of real-world machine learning problems, and discusses AI solution methodologies as standalone or hybrid approaches. Lastly, it proposes novel metaheuristic methods to solve complex machine learning problems. Featuring valuable insights, the book helps readers explore new avenues leading toward multidisciplinary research discussions.

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