Articles by "Roads"

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DuÅ¡anTeodorovic , Milan Janic ... 1931 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition (January, 2022).

Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice and Modeling, Second Edition presents comprehensive information related to traffic engineering and control, transportation planning and evaluation of transportation alternatives. The book systematically deals with almost the entire transportation engineering area, offering various techniques related to transportation modeling, transportation planning, and traffic control. It also shows readers how to use models and methods when predicting travel and freight transportation demand, how to analyze existing transportation networks, how to plan for new networks, and how to develop traffic control tactics and strategies. New topics addressed include alternative Intersections, alternative interchanges and individual/private transportation.

Readers will also learn how to utilize a range of engineering concepts and methods to make future transportation systems safer, more cost-effective, and "greener". Providing a broad view of transportation engineering, including transport infrastructure, control methods and analysis techniques, this new edition is for postgraduates in transportation and professionals needing to keep up-to-date with the latest theories and models.

Covers all forms of transportation engineering, including air, rail, road and public transit modes + Examines different transportation modes and how to make them sustainable + Features a new chapter covering the reliability, resilience, robustness and vulnerability of transportation systems

Daniel Findley, Bastian Schroeder, Chris Cunningham, Tom Brown ... 722 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (September, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 012801248X - ISBN-13: 978-0128012482.

This book helps readers maximize effectiveness in all facets of highway engineering including planning, design, operations, safety, and geotechnical engineering. Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations features a seven part treatment, beginning with a clear and rigorous exposition of highway engineering concepts.  These include project development, and the relationship between planning, operations, safety, and highway types (functional classification). Planning concepts and a four-step process overview are covered, along with trip generation, equations versus rates, trip distribution, and shortest path models equations versus rates. This is followed by parts concerning applications for horizontal and vertical alignment, highway geometric design, traffic operations, traffic safety, and civil engineering topics. *** Covers traffic flow relationships and traffic impact analysis, collision analysis, road safety audits, advisory speeds * Applications for horizontal and vertical alignment, highway geometric design, traffic operations, traffic safety, civil engineering topics * Engineering considerations for highway planning design and construction are included, such as hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering.

Bernardo Caicedo ... 460 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎CRC Press; (November, 2018).

At first glance, roads seem like the simplest possible geotechnical structures. However, analysis of these structures runs up against complexities related to the intense stresses experienced by road surfaces, their intense interaction with climate, and the complicated behavior of the materials used in road construction. Modern mechanistic approaches to road design provide the tools capable of developing new technical solutions. However, use of these approaches requires deep understanding of the behavior of constituent materials and their interaction with water and heat which has recently been acquired thanks to advances in geotechnical engineering. The author comprehensively describes and explains these advances and their use in road engineering in the two-volume set Geotechnics of Roads, compiling information that had hitherto only been available in numerous research papers.

Geotechnics of Roads: Fundamentals presents stresses and strains in road structures, water and heat migration within and between layers of road materials, and the effects of water on the strength and stiffness of those materials. It includes a deep analysis of soil compaction, one of the most important issues in road construction. Compaction accounts for only a small proportion of a construction budget but its effects on the long-term performance of a road are decisive. In addition, the book describes methodologies for nondestructive road evaluation including analysis of continuous compaction control, a powerful technique for real-time quality control of road structures.

Guy Doré, Hannele K. Zubeck ... 432 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1st edition (December, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0071600884 - ISBN-13: 978-0071600880 ...

The first book dedicated solely to this important topic, Cold Regions Pavement Engineering helps ensure that road quality is not compromised by cold temperatures and other environmental factors. Using the latest research from the United States, Canada, and Europe, the authors supply all the information needed to make wise decisions in situations where freezing temperatures, unstable soil, precipitation, ice, and small populations are complicating factors, along with limited funding-a common problem when designing roads in cold regions. Posing specific design and maintenance problems encountered in the field, the authors present the techniques and materials to solve them. Cold Regions Pavement Engineering is a long-needed resource. Inside: Design methodologies and maintenance techniques * Key information on material selection * Calculations for proper structural design * Strategies for constructing new roads * Advice in rehabilitating old or damaged surfaces * Case studies of problems and their solutions. Cold Regions Pavement Engineering includes: • Pavement Materials and Performance • Investigation and Testing o Calculation of Engineering Parameters • Design Considerations • Mix and Pavement Design • Maintenance and Rehabilitation • Pavements on Permafrost

Asphalt Institute (AI) ... 188 pages - Publisher: Asphalt Institute (AI); 7th edition (2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1934154709 - ISBN-13: 978-1934154700 ...

The manual is a practical guide based on proven technologies, incorporating the most current information available at the time of writing. This edition offers significantly expanded application and guidance relative to our previous mix design manuals. AASHTO, ASTM and other published standards are referenced often in addition to important research findings.

Ashish Gajurel ... 159 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (October 14, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8132234855 - ISBN-13: 978-8132234852 ...

This book focuses on the aspects of contracting contracts, basically related to road construction and management contracts. The book presents an analytical study of Performance-Based Road Management and Maintenance (PMMR), Funktionsbauvertrag (FBV) (Function-Based Construction Contract) and Public Private Partnerships (PPP). A separate chapter is also included about the comparative study of these contract types. The book provides useful material for university libraries, construction companies and government departments of construction.

Asphalt Institute ... 788 pages - Publisher: Asphalt Institute; 7th edition (November, 2007) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 193415427X - ISBN-13: 978-1934154274 ...

The Asphalt Institute now offers the 7th Edition of this essential asphalt publication. This new, expanded edition of over 780 pages of text and illustrations showcases the advances in asphalt technology that have evolved since the 1989 edition of MS-4.The new MS-4 continues to offer chapters on types of asphalts, mix designs, mixing facilities, paving, compaction, surface treatments, recycling technologies, maintenance methods, rehabilitation and structural design. But now, this best-selling, all-in-one desk reference for asphalt highlights the latest technology.

Bethany Eisenberg, P.E. Kelly Collins Lindow, David R. Smith ... 
262 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (March, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784413789 - ISBN-13: 978-0784413784 ...

Sponsored by the Low Impact Development Committee of the Urban Water Resources Research Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE Permeable Pavements is a comprehensive resource for the proper design, construction, and maintenance of permeable pavement systems that provide a transportation surface and a best management practice for stormwater and urban runoff. A cornerstone for low impact development (LID) and sustainable site design, permeable pavements are considered a green infrastructure practice. They offer many environmental benefits, from reduced stormwater runoff and improved water quality to better site design and enhanced safety of paved surfaces. Commonly used for walkways, driveways, patios, and low-volume roadways as well as recreational areas, parking lots, and plazas, permeable pavements are appropriate for many different land uses, particularly in highly urbanized locations. This volume synthesizes todayâs knowledge of the technology, drawing from academia, industry, and the engineering and science communities. It presents an overview of typical permeable pavement systems and reviews the design considerations. Detailed design, construction, use, and performance information is provided for porous asphalt, pervious concrete, permeable interlocking concrete pavement, and grid pavements. Fact sheets and checklists help to successfully incorporate permeable pavement systems into design projects. Additional chapters summarize emerging technologies, maintenance considerations, hydrologic design approaches, key components for specification writing, and key areas for additional research. Appendixes include a fact sheet clarifying information on common concerns, as well as data tables summarizing water quality treatment performance and costs. Permeable Pavements is an essential reference for engineers, planners, landscape architects, municipalities, transportation agencies, regulatory agencies, and property owners planning to implement this best management practice for stormwater and urban runoff.  Review: Permeable Pavements presents a comprehensive, 260-page resource on design, construction and maintenance of permeable pavement systems [and] synthesizes diverse materials and practices using this technology with the help of academics, industry, civil and environmental engineers and scientists. The result is a book that can be used on almost every project. The book presents an overview of design considerations common to all permeable pavement systems in the first chapter. Detailed design, construction, use, and performance information follow in separate chapters on porous asphalt, pervious concrete, permeable interlocking concrete pavement, grid pavements and some recent proprietary products. The books extensive use of fact sheets and checklists can be instrumental in design, construction and maintenance by stormwater agencies, designers, contractors and project owners.

G. J. Hearn ... 223 pages - Publisher: Geological Society of London; (August, 2011) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1862393311 - ISBN-13: 978-1862393318 ...

This book provides a complete guide to the study, design, construction and management of landslide and slope engineering measures for mountain roads, with an emphasis on low-cost. The geographical focus of the book is on the tropics and sub-tropics, but is also highly relevant to other regions where heavy rain, steep slopes and weak soils and rocks combine to create slope instability. The causes and mechanisms of landslides are described, and the hazards they pose to mountain roads are illustrated. Methods of desk study, field mapping and ground investigation are reviewed and illustrated, with an emphasis on geomorphological and engineering geological techniques. The design and construction of alignments, earthworks, drainage, retaining structures, the stabilization of soil slopes and rock slopes, and the control of erosion on slopes and in rivers and streams are covered. Slope management as part of road maintenance and operation is reviewed, and procedures for risk assessment and works prioritization are described.

Wynand JvdM Steyn, Kim Jenkins, Mansour Solaimanian ... 
204 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (July, 2009) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784410437 - ISBN-13: 978-0784410431 ...

This "Geotechnical Special Publication" contains 26 papers that were presented at the GeoHunan International Conference, Challenges and Recent Advances in Pavement Technologies and Transportation Geotechnics, held in Changsha, Hunan, China, from August 3 to 6, 2009. The material in these peer-reviewed papers is gracefully balanced between theoretical analyses and practical applications. These papers cover advances in roadway and pavement maintenance and management. The five major topics analyzed in this volume include: advances in laboratory characterization of pavement materials, forensic studies, rehabilitation strategy selection and preventative maintenance treatments, roadway widening, stabilization, recycling, foamed bitumen and emulsion, and granular materials. This publication will be valuable to pavement engineers, researchers, and practitioners in providing improved road pavement infrastructure. Geotechnical professors and students, design engineers, contractors, and others involved in geotechnical engineering will also benefit.

Norbert J. Delatte ... 445 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (May, 2014) ... 
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466575107 - ISBN-13: 978-1466575103 ...

This second edition of Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance provides a solid foundation for pavement engineers seeking relevant and applicable design and construction instruction. It relies on general principles instead of specific ones, and incorporates illustrative case studies and prime design examples to highlight the material. It presents a thorough understanding of materials selection, mixture proportioning, design and detailing, drainage, construction techniques, and pavement performance. It also offers insight into the theoretical framework underlying commonly used design procedures as well as the limits of the applicability of the procedures. All chapters have been updated to reflect recent developments, including some alternative and emerging design technologies that improve sustainability.

What’s New in the Second Edition: The second edition of this book contains a new chapter on sustainability, and coverage of mechanistic-empirical design and pervious concrete pavements. RCC pavements are now given a new chapter. The text also expands the industrial pavement design chapter.

Outlines alternatives for concrete pavement solutions + Identifies desired performance and behavior parameters + Establishes appropriate materials and desired concrete proportions + Presents steps for translating the design into a durable facility.

The book highlights significant innovations such as one is two-lift concrete pavements, precast concrete pavement systems, RCC pavement, interlocking concrete pavers, thin concrete pavement design, and pervious concrete. This text also addresses pavement management, maintenance, rehabilitation, and overlays.

Heng Wei, Yinhai Wang, Jian Rong, Jiancheng Weng ... 
4119 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (July, 2010) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784411271 - ISBN-13: 978-0784411278 ...

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP 2010), held in Beijing, China, August 4 8, 2010. ICCTP 2010 is jointly hosted by NACOTA and Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) with the sponsorships of the Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Transportation in Developing Countries (ABE90). In the last two decades, many large cities in China have experienced rapid urban sprawl, which has been resulted in extensive expansion and motorization of the cities. The threat of increasingly unsustainable urban transportation systems has become a focus of attention as the awareness of the unhealthy interaction between a surging demand for transportation services and the environmental impact of such increases. The goal of this conference, the theme of which is Integrated Transportation Systems: Green, Intelligent, Reliable , is to meet the needs of urban transportation systems in a capacity that is environmentally sound, socially equitable, and economically viable. Some of the topics addressed in this proceedings include: comprehensive transportation planning, traffic safety theory and technology, transportation management, operation technology and systems, and public transportation technology and systems. This proceedings will be valuable to anyone involved in the transportation engineering industry.

Clifford Richardson ... 672 pages - Publisher: University of Michigan Library; (April, 2009) - Language: English - ASIN: B002IYF0IS.

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ASCE ... 178 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); (September, 2008) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784409862 - ISBN-13: 978-0784409862 ...

This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 16 papers concerning a variety of timely issues in pavement mechanics. Topics include the characterization, modeling, and simulation of asphalt mixtures, asphalt pavements, and concrete mixtures. Eight of these papers were submitted for publication only, while the other eight were presented at the Symposium on Pavement Mechanics and Materials at the 18th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference held June 3 6, 2008 in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Myer Kutz ... 1000 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1st edition (November, 2003) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0071391223 - ISBN-13: 978-0071391221 ...

This is a comprehensive, problem-solving engineering guide on the strategic planning, development, and maintenance of public and private transportation systems. Covering all modes of transportation on land, air, and water, the Handbook shows how to solve specific problems, such as facility improvement, cost reduction, or operations optimization at local, regional, national, and international levels. * Extensive sections on road construction and maintenance, bridge construction and repair, and mass transit systems * Examines airline traffic control systems, airline schedule planning, and airline ground operation * Covers marine, rail, and freight transportation. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM UPGRADES: For anyone striving to increase the efficiency, performance, capacity, or safety of any transportation system, Myer Kutz's Handbook of Transportation Engineering is an unbeatable asset. Packed with practical tools and strategies, this problem-solving resource helps you forge transport system solutions that work on all levels, including the all-important bottom line. IMPROVE ANY SYSTEM:  Covering all varieties of transportation systems -- air, rail, road, and water; local, regional, national, and international; freight and passenger, and facilities -- Handbook of Transportation Engineering provides: * Problem-solving engineering tools for transportation systems of all types, including mass transit * Planning and design techniques, with examples of successful applications * Stratagems for deriving positive results from the complex interplay among policy-making, planning, management, operations, and technology * Guidance on cost-effective repair of roads and bridges * Methods for improving air traffic control systems, airline scheduling, and ground operations * Practical applications that solve problems in rail and freight transportation * Expert help with noise and air pollution.

R. J. Salter ... 168 pages - Publisher: Humanity Press; (June, 1989) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0333491025 - ISBN-13: 978-0333491027 ...

The increasing need to make the best use of the existing highway network has led to the widespread application of traffic engineering techniques in most urban areas of the developed world. In response to this growing importance of highway traffic engineering and management, many highway technician, undergraduate civil engineering and specialized higher degree courses include a study of highway traffic engineering. This book is intended to be of use to students on these courses by presenting a set of 33 worked examples in a wide range of highway traffic problems designed to illustrate the principles of highway traffic flow and the practical traffic design of highway elements. The book should also be of value to professional engineers who are looking for an introduction to highway traffic engineering or seeking to update their knowledge on this subject.

Daiheng Ni ... 412 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (November 5, 2015)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 012804134X - ISBN-13: 978-0128041345 

Creating Traffic Models is a challenging task because some of their interactions and system components are difficult to adequately express in a mathematical form. Traffic Flow Theory: Characteristics, Experimental Methods, and Numerical Techniques provide traffic engineers with the necessary methods and techniques for mathematically representing traffic flow. The book begins with a rigorous but easy to understand exposition of traffic flow characteristics including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and traffic sensing technologies.

Includes worked out examples and cases to illustrate concepts, models, and theories + Provides modeling and analytical procedures for supporting different aspects of traffic analyses for supporting different flow models + Carefully explains the dynamics of traffic flow over time and space.
From the Back Cover: Concise and readable, Traffic Flow Theory: Characteristics, Experimental Methods and Numerical Techniques incorporates the most current developments in traffic flow modeling techniques for mathematically expressing flow characteristics. The book begins with a rigorous but easy to understand exposition of traffic flow characteristics including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and traffic sensing technologies. This is followed by self-contained chapters involving traffic flow modeling on a macroscopic, microscopic and picoscopic level. The book’s objective is to establish a theoretical foundation for traffic modeling and simulation at multiple scales, seamlessly within a single system.

Andrew Dawson ...
438 pages
Publisher: Springer; (December 12, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402085613
ISBN-13: 978-1402085611

Water in and beneath a road pavement has a major impact on the road's performance and its survivability. This book provides a state-of-the-art on the topic of water in pavements and the adjacent ground. It includes coverage of the basic theory; where the water comes from; how it may (or may not) be drained; the effect of temperature on the movement; how movements may be modelled numerically; and the impact that water content has on pavement material and subgrade behaviour. Sections on instrumentation and monitoring are also provided. With increased concerns that road construction may introduce contaminants into the environment, the book also studies environmental aspects of water in roads and their immediate surroundings by describing the leaching action of pavement water; the opportunities for the pavement to sorb contaminants from pavement run-off; water sampling; and water quality needs. It draws on information from a wide variety of sources, particularly in Europe and the USA, both published and unpublished, having been written by a broad team of practising engineers, hydrogeologists, environmental scientists and researchers. This book is the principal output of a large collaborative study performed as part of the COST programme, managed by the European Science Foundation.

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