Salford Predictive Modeler
Salford Predictive Modeler v8.0.0.576 [Size: 33 MB] ... The SPM Salford Predictive Modeler® software suite is a highly accurate
and ultra-fast analytics and data mining platform for creating
predictive, descriptive, and analytical models from databases of any
size, complexity, or organization. This suite of data mining tools
includes Salford Systems' flagship products of CART, MARS, TreeNet, and
Random Forests. The SPM software suite's automation accelerates the
process of model building by conducting substantial portions of the
model exploration and refinement process for the analyst. While the
analyst is always in full control, we optionally anticipate the analysts
next best steps and package a complete set of results from alternative
modeling strategies for easy review. Do in one day what normally
requires a week or more using other systems!