Articles by "Slope Stability"

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Charles A. Kliche ... 272 pages - Publisher: Society for Mining Metallurgy&Exploration; (January, 1999) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0873351711 - ISBN-13: 978-0873351713.

Whether you're involved in surface mine design, surface mine production, construction, education, or regulation, this is an important book for your library. It describes the basic rock slope failure modes and methods of analysis--both kinematic and kinetic techniques. Chapters include geotechnical and geomechanical analysis techniques, hydrology, rock slope stabilization techniques, and geotechnical instrumentation. Content: Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; CHAPTER 1: Basic Concepts; CHAPTER 2: Rock Mass Properties; CHAPTER 3: Groundwater; CHAPTER 4: The Rockfall Hazard Rating System; CHAPTER 5: Kinematic Slope Stability Analysis; CHAPTER 6: Kinetic Slope Stability Analysis of Planar Failure; CHAPTER 7: Kinetic Slope Stability Analysis of Toppling Failure; CHAPTER 8: Kinetic Slope Stability Analysis of Wedge Failure; CHAPTER 9: Rock Slope Stabilization Techniques; CHAPTER 10: Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring; Glossary; Index. Abstract: Whether you're involved in surface mine design, surface mine production, construction, education, or regulation, this is an important book for your library. It describes the basic rock slope failure modes and methods of analysis--both kinematic and kinetic techniques. Chapters include geotechnical and geomechanical analysis techniques, hydrology, rock slope stabilization techniques, and geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring. Numerous examples, drawings, and photos enhance the text.

Lulu Zhang, Jinhui Li, Xu Li, Jie Zhang, Hong Zhu ... 398 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (June, 2016) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B01HELDDME.

.Rainfall-induced landslides are common around the world. With global climate change, their frequency is increasing and the consequences are becoming greater. Previous studies assess them mostly from the perspective of a single discipline—correlating landslides with rainstorms, geomorphology and hydrology in order to establish a threshold prediction value for rainfall-induced landslides; analyzing the slope’s stability using a geomechanical approach; or assessing the risk from field records.

Rainfall Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment integrates probabilistic approaches with the geotechnical modeling of slope failures under rainfall conditions with unsaturated soil. It covers theoretical models of rainfall infiltration and stability analysis, reliability analysis based on coupled hydro-mechanical modelling, stability of slopes with cracks, gravels and spatial heterogenous soils, and probabilistic model calibration based on measurement. It focuses on the uncertainties involved with rainfall-induced landslides and presents state-of-the art techniques and methods which characterize the uncertainties and quantify the probabilities and risk of rainfall-induced landslide hazards. Additionally, the authors cover: The failure mechanisms of rainfall-induced slope failure - Commonly used infiltration and stability methods - The infiltration and stability of natural soil slopes with cracks and colluvium materials - Stability evaluation methods based on probabilistic approaches -The effect of spatial variability on unsaturated soil slopes and more.

E. N. Bromhead ... 373 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall; 2nd edition (1986) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0412010615 - ISBN-13: 978-0412010613 ...

The second edition of this text has been thoroughly revised to take account of recent advances in our understanding of slope stability and instability. It begins with a consideration of slope stability  processes, including the evolution of natural slopes. The behaviour of soil and rocks, and the flow of water through them, (which is of fundamental importance to their shear strength), are explained in considerable detail. The principles and techniques of stability analysis are covered in two separate chapters. From this basic theory the author develops practical design criteria for new slopes, discusses remedial measures for slope stabilization, and provides guidance on investigation of landslides. Computer programs to facilitate analysis and design are discussed where appropriate, and the book concludes with several carefully selected case histories, and design recommendations for man-made slopes.

Wendi Goldsmith, Donald Gray, John McCullah ... 244 pages - Publisher: Springer; (November, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1461479959 - ISBN-13: 978-1461479956 ...

"Bio-Stabilization Case Studies: Treatment and Performance Evaluation" describes and evaluates 30 projects from across the United States where bio-stabilization was employed to address a detrimental naturally occurring process or byproduct of the built environment. Bio-stabilization (or soil bioengineering) refers to the use of plant materials, primarily live cuttings, arranged in the ground in different arrays to reinforce soils and protect upland slopes and/or stream banks against surficial erosion and shallow slope failures. Examples included in the collection represent different regions of the country and their specific conditions and challenges. Each project is illustrated with a number of distinctive photographs to support the reader's understanding and showcase the wide scope of projects and techniques presented. The volume is ideal for civil and environmental engineers and environmental scientists working on watershed, infrastructure projects, and municipal scale installations.

FIDES DV-Partner Suite 2017 [Size: 866 MB] ... FIDES DV-Partner are two German system vendors based in Berlin and Munich. With experience resulting from more than 30 years providing services for civil engineering we comprehend the mission of FIDES today as a partner for structural designers, constructing engineers and architects applying high quality software. The range of the offering solutions for structural design contains building, steel, tunnel and bridge design, geotechnical or rather soil engineering up to special constructions like light weight structures. Retainment Walls + Slopes/Embankments + Foundations/Base Plates + Tunneling Constructions + Structural Steelwork.

    Stephane Bonelli ... 416 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; 1st edition (March, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 184821409X - ISBN-13: 978-1848214095 ...

    Erosion is the most common cause of failures at earth-dams, dikes and levees, whether through overtopping and overflowing, or internal erosion and piping. This book is dedicated to the phenomenon of internal erosion and piping. It is not intended to be exhaustive on the subject, but brings together some of the latest international research and advances. Emphasis is placed on physical processes, how they can be studied in the laboratory, and how test results can be applied to levees and dams. The results from several research projects in Australia, France, the Netherlands and the United States are covered by the authors. Our aim has been to share our most recent findings with students, researchers and practitioners. Understanding the failure of an earth-dam or a levee by erosion in a unified framework, whether internal erosion or surface erosion, requires continuous research in this field. We hope that the reader will gain knowledge from this book that leads to further progress in the challenging field of the safety of levees and dams.

    Yanrong Li ... 160 pages - Publisher: CRC Press (December, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1138032875 - ISBN-13: 978-1138032873 ...

    This book has the purpose of developing an understanding of the factors determining and influencing the shear behavior of soils, with emphasis on composite soils, as they are the most encountered materials in geological and geotechnical engineering in mountainous areas. This objective is reached by examining the soil compressibility, structure of shear zone and its evolution, and water content of shear zone and shear mode of soils together with analyses of the influences of intrinsic properties, e.g. Atterberg limits, particle size distribution, particle shape, and testing conditions, e.g. normal stress and shearing rate.An in-depth review is presented in an approximately chronological order and covers almost all the factors that are believed to influence the mechanical behavior of soils. The equipment and test techniques for shear strength of soils are detailed. The residual shear behavior of composite soil is investigated by means of a systematic laboratory testing program using a large ring shear apparatus and an intermediate direct shear box. The Fast Fourier Transform is employed for the first time to analyze the fluctuations of measured shearstress and discovers the close relationships with both intrinsic properties of soils and testing conditions.

    Although the book is aimed primarily at researchers in geological and geotechnical engineering, it contains material of interest to students of geology and soil science and also should be a useful reference for practicing engineers faced with composite soils.

    N. Simons, B. Menzies, M. Matthews ... 448 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing; (January, 2001) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727728717 - ISBN-13: 978-0727728715 ...

    This new addition to the 'Short Course' series combines both soil and rock slope engineering - in effect, two short courses - in one concise volume. Like its acclaimed companion volume A Short Course in Foundation Engineering, this book focuses on the essentials, explaining simple methods of stability analysis and applying them to a wide range of practical applications.

    Yansheng Jiang ...
    176 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (October, 1989) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3540516255 - ISBN-13: 978-3540516255 ...

    The aim of this book is to provide a new angle on the analysis of slope stability with the Boundary Element Method. The main advantages of BEM are the reduction of the dimensionality of the problem to be solved and accurate selective calculation of internal stresses. This makes it possible, as shown in the book, to develop the algorithms of slip surface analysis of slope more accurate, more rigorous and more easy to be used than in the conventional limit equilibrium methods. The full elastoplastic analysis of slope is also investigated. Besides, the interested reader can find a detailed study of Melan's fundamental solution such as its displacements, its corresponding Galerkin tensor and the treatment of body forces in the half-plan. The basic theory of BEM is outlined in the book so that undergraduate and graduate students of civil engineering, mining engineering and engineering geology can read it without difficulty.

    Gian Paol Giani ... 374 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (January, 1992) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9054101229 - ISBN-13: 978-9054101222 ...

    Deals with the methods of assessing the stability of rock slopes and the techniques of improving the stability conditions of natural and artificial slopes which are at risk. It also describes survey and measurement methods to model the behaviour of rock masses.

    Stéphane Lambert, F. Nicot ... 435 pages - Publisher: Wiley-ISTE; 1st edition (September, 2011) ...
    Language: English - ISBN-10: 1848212569 - ISBN-13: 978-1848212565 ...

    Rockfall Engineering is an up-to-date, international picture of the state of the art in rockfall engineering. The three basic stages of rockfalls are considered: the triggering stage, the motion stage, and the interaction with a structure stage; along with contributions including structural characterization of cliffs, remote monitoring, stability analysis, boulder propagation, design of protection structures an risk assessment. Academic contributions are illustrated by practical examples, and completed by engineering contributions where practical purposes are thoroughly considered. This title is intended for engineers, students as well as researchers.

    G. J. Hearn ... 223 pages - Publisher: Geological Society of London; (August, 2011) ...
    Language: English - ISBN-10: 1862393311 - ISBN-13: 978-1862393318 ...

    This book provides a complete guide to the study, design, construction and management of landslide and slope engineering measures for mountain roads, with an emphasis on low-cost. The geographical focus of the book is on the tropics and sub-tropics, but is also highly relevant to other regions where heavy rain, steep slopes and weak soils and rocks combine to create slope instability. The causes and mechanisms of landslides are described, and the hazards they pose to mountain roads are illustrated. Methods of desk study, field mapping and ground investigation are reviewed and illustrated, with an emphasis on geomorphological and engineering geological techniques. The design and construction of alignments, earthworks, drainage, retaining structures, the stabilization of soil slopes and rock slopes, and the control of erosion on slopes and in rivers and streams are covered. Slope management as part of road maintenance and operation is reviewed, and procedures for risk assessment and works prioritization are described.

    Kevin Forrester ... 208 pages - Publisher: Amer Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); (December, 2000) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784400164 - ISBN-13: 978-0784400166 ...

    This book describes the latest methods and practices in the field of subsurface drainage for slope stability. Groundwater pressure significantly affects slope stability; general principles of reducing pressure by drainage are comprehensively addressed. Details of the mechanics of water flow in soil, rock, aggregates, geotextiles, and pipes are covered. Filtration theory and filter design are presented in a geotechnical context along with the general characteristics of drains and the assessment of their performance. Field and laboratory investigations, site instrumentation and its monitoring, groundwater computations resulting from field investigations, and various methods of slope stability analysis are discussed. The materials and construction procedures used in trench, blanket, and horizontal drains are examined in depth. Also presented is an account of granular, ferric and calcium carbonate clogging mechanisms, and maintenance procedures for controlling them. Appendices include a field test for dissolved ferrous iron and case examples. Geotechnical practitioners, students, and beginners will find this book to be a comprehensive reference for every aspect of subsurface drainage for slope stabilization. Chapters include: Groundwater, Stability, and Drainage; Flow in Granular Materials and Synthetic Fabrics; Flow in Pipes; Protective Filters; Guidelines on Groundwater and Drainage; Field Investigations; Instrumentation; Laboratory Tests; Groundwater Computations; Slope Stability Analysis; Drain Construction Materials; Points on Design and Construction; Trench Drains; Drainage of Retaining Structures; Horizontal Drains; Wells; Monitoring; Clogging; and Maintenance.

    Louis Ge, Jinyuan Liu, James C. Ni, Zhaoyi He ... 
    252 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (July, 2009) ...
    Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784410496 - ISBN-13: 978-0784410493 ...

    This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 35 peer-reviewed technical papers presented at the GeoHunan International Conference: Challenges and Recent Advances in Pavement Technologies and Transportation Geotechnics, which took place in Changsha, Hunan, China, from August 3 to 6, 2009. This proceedings examines topics such as: soil stabilization, dynamic behavior of soils and foundations, earth retaining walls, and slope stability. This publication will be valuable to geotechnical engineering professors and students, as well as geotechnical engineers and professionals.

    Duncan C. Wyllie, Chris Mah ... 456 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 4th edition (October, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 041528001X - ISBN-13: 978-0415280013 ...

    The stability of rock slopes is an important issue in both civil and mining engineering.  On civil projects, rock cuts must be safe from rock falls and large-scale slope instability during both construction and operation. In open pit mining, where slope heights can be many hundreds of meters, the economics of the operation are closely related to the steepest stable slope angle that can be mined. This extensively updated version of the classic text, Rock Slope Engineering by Hoek and Bray, deals comprehensively with the investigation, design and operation of rock slopes. Investigation methods include the collection and interpretation of geological and groundwater data, and determination of rock strength properties, including the Hoek Brown rock mass strength criterion. Slope design methods include the theoretical basis for the design of plane, wedge, circular and toppling failures, and design charts are provided to enable rapid checks of stability to be carried out.  New material contained in this book includes the latest developments in earthquake engineering related to slope stability, probabilistic analysis, numerical analysis, blasting, slope movement monitoring and stabilization methods. The types of stabilization include rock anchors, shotcrete, drainage and scaling, as well as rock fall protecting methods involving barriers, ditches, nets and sheds. Rock Slopes: Civil and Mining Engineering contains both worked examples illustrating data interpretation and design methods, and chapters on civil and mining case studies. The case studies demonstrate the application of design methods to the construction of stable slopes in a wide variety of geological conditions. The book provides over 300 carefully selected references for those who wish to study the subject in greater detail.  It also includes an introduction by Dr. Evert Hoek.

    Yang H. Huang ... During the past several years I have been engaged in applied research related to the stability analysis of slopes. This research was supported by the Institute for Mining and Minerals Research, University of Kentucky, in response to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, which requires stability analysis for refuse dams, hollow fills, and spoil banks created by surface mining. The results of the research have been published in several journals and reports and also presented in a number of short courses. Both the sim­plified and the computerized methods of stability analysis, as developed from this research, have been widely used by practicing engineers throughout Ken­ tucky for the application of mining permits. The large number of out-of-state participants in the short courses indicates that the methods developed have widespread applications. This book is a practical treatise on the stability analysis of earth slopes. Special emphasis is placed on the utility and application of stablity formulas, charts, and computer programs developed recently by the author for the analy­ sis of human-created slopes. These analyses can be used for the design of new slopes and the assessment of remedial measures on existing slopes. To make the book more complete as a treatise on slope stability analysis, other methods of stability analysis, in addition to those developed by the author, are briefly discussed. It is hoped that this book will be a useful reference, class­ room text, and users' manual for people interested in learning about stability analysis.

    Info-Details: 316 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (April, 1983) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0442236891 - ISBN-13: 978-0442236892 ...

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