Articles by "Soil Mechanics"

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Jonathan Knappett, R.F. Craig ... 654 pages - Language‏: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; 9th edition (October, 2019).

Craig’s Soil Mechanics continues to evolve and remain the definitive text for civil engineering students worldwide. It covers fundamental soil mechanics and its application in applied geotechnical engineering from A to Z and at the right depth for an undergraduate civil engineer, with sufficient extension material for supporting MSc level courses, and with practical examples and digital tools to make it a useful reference work for practising engineers.

This new edition now includes: Restructured chapters on foundations and earthworks, the latter including new material on working platforms and collapse of underground cavities (sinkhole formation). + New mobilised-stress-based deformation methods that can straightforwardly be used with both linear and non-linear soil stiffness models and field measurements of shear wave velocity, for serviceability limit state design. + Extended sets of correlations for making sensible first estimates of soil parameters, adding deformation-based parameters for broader coverage than the Eighth Edition. + Extended section on robust statistical selection of characteristic soil parameters. + Greater use of consolidation theory throughout in determining whether actions, processes and laboratory/in-situ tests are drained or undrained. + Extended chapter on in-situ testing, adding the Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT), and interpretation of consolidation parameters from CPTU and DMT testing. + An updated section on pile load testing. + Additional worked examples and end-of-chapter problems covering new material, with fully worked solutions for lecturers.

The electronic resources on the book’s companion website are developed further, with the addition of two new spreadsheet numerical analysis tools and improvement of existing tools from the Eighth Edition. Using these, readers can take real soil test data, interpret its mechanical properties and apply these to a range of common geotechnical design problems at ultimate and serviceability limiting states.

Hongjian Liao, Hangzhou Li, Zongyuan Ma ... 266 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: World Scientific; (September, 2020).

This book also doubles as a textbook with an explanation of basic theory, knowledge, and skills in soil mechanics as well as the most updated codes and standards in China. Also included are guidelines at the beginning of each chapter and English-Chinese-Japanese translations of frequently-used words and expressions in the Appendix. It aims to be a reference book for students and technical staff in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, mining engineering, and transportation engineering.

Charles W.W. Ng, Chao Zhou, Junjun Ni ... Language: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (October, 2024).

Unsaturated soil is a three-phase material that is ubiquitous on the Earth’s surface and exhibits complex behaviour, which becomes more complex in response to the Earth’s changing climate and increasing engineering activities. This is because the former affects its moisture and temperature conditions significantly and the latter governs its stress state and suction condition. This book is designed to meet the increasing challenges of climate change and engineering activities by covering the mechanics and engineering of unsaturated soil in a logical manner.

It comprises four major parts: Water retention and flow characteristics + Shear strength and stiffness at various temperatures + State-dependent elasto-plastic constitutive modelling + Field monitoring and engineering applications.

This second edition uniquely covers fundamental topics on unsaturated soil that are not covered in other similar books, including: the state- dependency of soil- water retention behaviour and water permeability functions, such as dependence on engineering activities + small strain stiffness considering the influence of wetting- drying cycles and recent suction history, such as that due to climate change suction effects on dilatancy and peak shear strength cyclic thermal effects on soil behaviour + state- dependent elastoplastic constitutive modelling of monotonic and cyclic behaviour + engineering applications such as the South-to-North Water Transfer Project; an earthen landfill cover system devoid of geomembrane in the Xiaping landfill, Shenzhen; and a 15-m-deep multi- propped excavation in Tianjin, China.

Wengang Zhang, Yanmei Zhang, Runhong Zhang, Yongqin Li, Li Hong, Yuntao Yuan ... 770 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Elsevier; (May, 2024).

Design of Deep Braced Excavation in Urban Geotechnical Environments presents the design and calculation of deep braced excavation in urban geotechnical environments considering the soil characteristics of spatial variability and anisotropy, as well as excavation responses of urban adjacent utilities such as pipelines, tunnels, foundation piles and buildings. With economic development and further urbanization, excavation goes deeper, longer, and larger in scale. These conditions require advanced analysis and design methods.

The text begins with coverage of overall stability, earth pressure and strut force, retaining wall responses, and ground movements. Numerical modeling and computer codes are outlined in detail. The authors then take a close look at the design of jet grouting for deformation control, instrumentation and back analysis for excavation, and the characteristics of deep braced excavation in complex geological environment. The final chapters conclude with an examination of the determination of excavation responses of urban adjacent utilities and failure analysis based on several case histories.

This book provides the latest knowledge in both theory and practical application for geotechnical design engineers working on deep excavation problems. Presents the latest theory and knowledge surrounding deep braced excavations + Systematically outlines theory, field reports, calculations, and back analysis, making it much easier to master the work relevant with deep braced excavations + Provides detailed visual elements and hyperlinks to additional images and video for case excavations to enhance understanding.

Graham Barnes ... 584 pages - Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; 4th revised edition (June, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1137512202 - ISBN-13: 978-1137512208.

This bestselling text provides students with a clear understanding of the nature of soil and its behaviour, and offers an insight into the application of principles to engineering solutions. With its comprehensive coverage and accessible writing style, this book is ideal for core university courses in geotechnical and civil engineering, as well as being a handy guide for practitioners.

This fourth edition of Soil Mechanics includes: * Intriguing case studies from around the world, demonstrating real-life situations and solutions * Over 100 worked examples, giving an insight into how engineers tackle specific problems * A companion website providing further commentary on the Geotechnical Eurocodes * An integrated series of video interviews with practising engineers * An extensive online testbank of questions for lecturers to use alongside the book * Suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter to help with research * A range of new topics and deeper coverage of existing concepts. 1. Soil Formation and Nature 2. Soil Description and Classification 3. Permeability and Seepage 4. Effective Stress and Pore Pressure 5. Contact Pressure and Stress Distribution 6. Compressibility and Consolidation 7. Shear Strength 8. Shallow Foundations - Stability 9. Shallow Foundations - Settlements 10. Pile Foundations 11. Lateral Earth Pressures and Retaining Structures 12. Slope Stability 13. Earthworks and Soil Compaction 14. Site Investigation.

EnSoft Suite 2024.03 [Size: 801 MB]: Developing and applying software solutions to complex engineering problems ... LPILE - Analyze response of piles and shafts in multi-layered soil media. + APILE - Analyze the axial capacity of driven piles in mutli-layered soils. + GROUP - Analyze response of pile groups in multi-layered soil media. + PYWall - Analyze flexible retaining walls in layered soils. + SHAFT - Study the response of drilled shafts under axial loading. + TZPILE - Analyze load-settlement relationships of vertically loaded piles with downdrag. + EnFEM - 2D finite element analysis with ability to perform soil-structure interaction and stage construction. + EnCPT - Process raw CPT data, generating and exporting soil layering and properties to LPILE. + DynaN - Determine the dynamic response of shallow and deep foundations. + DynaPile - Analyze the dynamic response of pile groups in horizontally layered elastic media. + DynaMat - Analyze the dynamic response of mat foundations under dynamic loading. + GeoMat - Analyze mat or structural slabs supported on soil media. + SETOFF - Software for computing foundation settlement. + STABLPRO - Software for computing the slope stability.

Contents: APILE 2023.10.5, APILE Offshore 2023.10.5, DynaMat 2018.3.2, DYNA-N v3.0.15, DynaPile 2016.3.2, EnCPT 2019.1.5, EnFEM 2019.1.1, GeoMat 2022.3.1, Group 2022.12.6, LPile 2022.12.10, PYWall 2022.7.7, SETOFF 2020.4.3, SHAFT 2023.9.3, StablPro 2015.4.5, TZPILE 2021.4.3.

Zhang Wengang, Liu Hanlong, Wang Lin, Zhu Xing, Zhang Yanmei ... 349 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: ‎Springer; (July, 2023).

This book focuses on the application of machine learning in slope stability assessment. The contents include: overview of machine learning approaches, the mainstream smart in-situ monitoring techniques, the applications of the main machine learning algorithms, including the supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi- supervised learning, reinforcement learning, deep learning, ensemble learning, etc., in slope engineering and landslide prevention, introduction of the smart in-situ monitoring and slope stability assessment based on two well-documented case histories, the prediction of slope stability using ensemble learning techniques, the application of Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network and Prophet Algorithm in Slope Displacement Prediction, displacement prediction of Jiuxianping landslide using gated recurrent unit (GRU) networks, seismic stability analysis of slopes subjected to water level changes using gradient boosting algorithms, efficient reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils using XGBoost, efficient time-variant reliability analysis of Bazimen landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area using XGBoost and LightGBM algorithms, as well as the future work recommendation.The authors also provided their own thoughts learnt from these applications as well as work ongoing and future recommendations.

Jean-Louis Briaud ... 1056 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher:‎ Wiley; 2nd edition (August, 2023) - ISBN-10:‎ 1119788692 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1119788690.

While there are many textbooks on the market that cover geotechnical engineering basics, Geotechnical Engineering is unique in that it is the only textbook available that is rooted within the three phase unsaturated soil mechanics framework. Written by world-renowned, award-winning geotechnical engineering expert Dr. Jean-Louis Briaud, this Second Edition offers the most comprehensive coverage of geotechnical engineering topics on the market, from theory to real-world application.

In addition to many updates and revisions, a major chapter has been added, covering 22 geo-engineering case histories. They are: Washington Monument (shallow mat foundation) + Rissa Landslide (slope stability) + Seattle 46 M-High MSE Wall (retaining wall) + The New Orleans Charity Hospital Foundation (deep foundation) + The Eurotunnel Linking France and England (tunnel) + The Teton Dam (earth dam erosion) + The Woodrow Wilson Bridge (bridge scour) + San Jacinto Monument (shallow mat foundation) + Pointe du Hoc Cliffs (rock erosion) + The Tower of PISA (shallow foundation) + The Transcona Silo (shallow foundation) + The Saint John River Bridge Abutment (slope stability) + Foundation of Briaud’s House (shrink swell soils) + The Eiffel Tower (deep foundation) + St. Isaac Cathedral (mat foundation) + National Geotechnical Experimentation Sites at Texas A&M University (full scale infrastructure tests) + The 827 M-High Burj Khalifa Tower Foundation (combined pile raft foundation) + New Orleans Levees and Katrina Hurricane (overtopping erosion) + Three Gorges Dam (concrete dam) + The Kansai International Airport (earth fill in the sea) + The Panama Canal (excavated slopes) + The Nice Airport Slope Failure (slope stability). From site investigation and geophysics to earthquake engineering and deep foundations, Geotechnical Engineering is an ideal resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as practicing professionals in geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics.

Bujang B. K. Huat, Arun Prasad, Sina Kazemian, Vivi Anggraini ... 316 pages - Publisher:‎ CRC Press; (June, 2021) - Language : English - ISBN-10: 1032085428 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1032085425.

This book provides a review of problems during design and construction on problematic soils. Design methods, site investigation, construction and analysis of the various improvement methods available are explained and discussed. Various regions may have different soils with geotechnical problems that differ from those faced in other regions. For example, in Southeast Asia, the common geotechnical problems are those associated with construction on soft clays and organic soils, while in the arid region of the Middle East, problems are generally associated with the desert soils. In the US, the problems are associated with organic soils, expansive and collapsing soils, and shale. Laterite and lateritic soils are especially problematic in Mexico. Similarly, in Europe, for example, the geotechnical problems are associated with loess (France), and organic soil (Germany). A detailed description of various methods of ground improvement has been provided in 11 chapters. Each chapter deals not only with a description of the method but also focuses on region-specific ground problems and suitable ground improvement techniques. Case studies have also been included. One general chapter is dedicated to site investigation, instrumentation, assessment and control. This book will be of value to students and professionals in the fields of civil and geotechnical engineering, as well as to soil scientists and engineering geologists.

Robin Chowdhury, Gautam Bhattacharya, Subhadeep Metya ... 790 pages - Language: ‎English- Publisher: ‎ CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2023) - ISBN-10: ‎1138000116 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-1138000117.

This second edition of Geotechnical Slope Analysis is an updated version of the original scholarly book. In this edition, concepts and applications have been thoroughly revised. In particular, the ‘Initial Stress Approach’ has been extended to 2D problems in a more rigorous manner. Additional solved numerical examples have been added in several chapters. More importantly, the meaning of the results is explored through interpretation.

The influence of initial stresses, pore water pressures and seismic forces has been explored not only on performance indicators such as the ‘Factor of Safety’ but also on the location of critical slip surfaces. In addition to these factors, it is shown that the chosen method of analysis may also have a significant influence on the location of the critical slip surface. Student exercises have been included in some chapters with a view to encouraging further study and research, and reference is often made to case studies of particular importance.

The best features of the book have been retained with continued emphasis on both deterministic and probabilistic approaches for quantifying slope performance. The traditional performance indicator such as ‘Factor of Safety’ can be complemented by the calculation of the ‘Reliability Index’ and the ‘Probability of Failure’. This book focuses on research studies concerning slope behaviour, the occurrence of landslides and the use of alternative methods of analysis and interpretation. The importance of uncertainties in slope performance and, more broadly, in geotechnical engineering is emphasised.

This book will be valuable to undergraduate and senior students of civil, mining and geological engineering as well as to academic teachers and instructors and also to researchers, practising geotechnical engineers and consultants.

Yung Ming Cheng ... 416 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: Nova Science Publishers; (October, 2017) - ISBN-10: ‎1536129356 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1536129359.

Slope stability is always a very important topic in many developed and highly congested cities, particularly for many cities in China where slope failures have killed many people with significant loss of properties. The author has also participated in different types of slope stability research and consultancy works in different countries, and has published two books entitled "Soil Slope stability analysis and stabilization new methods and insights" and "Frontier in civil engineering, vol.1, Stability analysis of geotechnical structures" which are well favoured by many students, engineers and researchers. The author also frequently receives email about the details of the more innovative slope stability analysis methods, stabilization and monitoring system, as well as the procedures in the numerical implementation of some of the stability analysis methods. In views of the various improvements in the theory of slope stability analysis over the years, the author would like to write a new book on slope stability analysis and slope reliability analysis, and the new materials will be useful to both students, engineers as well as researchers. 

In this book, different methods of slope stability analysis will be discussed in a broad sense. Following that, the limit equilibrium and finite element methods will be discussed in more details, as these two methods are the methods commonly used for practical works. Detailed procedures for limit equilibrium analysis will be provided to aid the students in learning, while the program SLOPE2000 will be introduced for the solution of more complicated problems. Some interesting engineering cases will be illustrated in this book. The author will also try to introduce the use of distinct element slope stability method, which is a technique still far from practical applications, but it does offer some insights which are not possible with the other methods

Mao-Hung Yo ... 341 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: Springer (July, 2023) - AmazonSIN: B0C3PMPR3F.

This book focuses on the unified solutions and analysis for the problems in soil mechanics based on the unified strength theory, which is a new theory on the yield and failure of materials under multi-axial stresses. Then, it provides a system of yield and failure criteria adopted for most materials, from metallic materials to rocks, concretes, soils, polymers, etc. It includes the Tresca criterion, Mohr–Coulomb theory, and Mises criterion as well, which are special cases or linear approximation of the UST.

B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, A. K. Jain ... 940 pages - Publisher: Laxmi Publications; 17th edition (December, 2005) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8170087910 - ISBN-13: 978-8170087915.

Soil Mechanics And Foundations is written especially for students pursuing civil engineering. It provides a comprehensive understanding of soil characteristics and properties. It even contains experiments to help students gain a practical insight into soil mechanics. With all structures having earth as its common foundation, its essential that students of civil engineering understand this main component. A safe structure can only be built when there is thorough knowledge of its foundation. This book contains 34 chapters and covers topics like Clay Mineralogy, Well Hydraulics, Stress Distribution, Compaction, Stability of Slopes, Well, Pile and Machine Foundations, Bulkheads and Cofferdams, Stabilisation of Soils, Permeability, and more. It explains in detail about Elements of Elasticity, Earth Pressure, Bearing Capacity, and Shear Strength. The book also contains 21 lab experiments.

Kasinathan Muthukkumaran, Balunaini Umashankar, N. Kumar Pitchumani ... 737 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Springer (February, 2023).

This book comprises the select peer-reviewed proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2021. The contents focus on Geotechnics for Infrastructure Development and Innovative Applications. This book covers topics geotechnical challenges in tunnel construction, related performance of temporary secant pile wall, soil nail walls, rock-fill embankment dams, performance of MSE wall, stability analysis, dynamic stability and landslide simulations, landslide early warning system, among others. This book is of interest to those in academia and industry. This book is of interest to those in academia and industry.

Ammar Dhouib ... 305 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher:‎ Wiley-ISTE; (December, 2022).

Geotechnical engineering is now a fundamental component of construction projects. The first volume of this book therefore paves the way for the development of a lasting partnership between soil and foundations. Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects 1 first defines, identifies and classifies soils, exploring their complexities and weaknesses, and then outlines the basic principles of stresses and strains that establish and develop within soils. The third chapter of the book introduces and develops methods of soil investigation in order to experimentally determine the geotechnical parameters that are useful in the design stage of construction projects.

Each chapter of this first volume is illustrated with photographs of example construction sites and concludes with concrete examples of real projects. The result is a combination of geotechnical expertise and lessons learned from experience, both of which are highly valuable in the field of applied geotechnics for construction projects.

Pavel G. Talalay ... 645 pages - Language: ‎English- Publisher: Springer; (January, 2023) - AmazonSIN:‎ B0BRHY16RW.

This book provides a comprehensive review of drilling technologies in the polar regions, from the portable drilling equipment for shallow sampling and coring, to heavy drilling equipment for deep onshore and offshore drilling. Particular attention is given to safe drilling methods in permafrost. In recent years, interest in drilling in the polar regions has increased under the pressure of the geopolitical “rush” and the undiscovered resource potential. In addition, borehole monitoring of permafrost thermal states is urgently needed to obtain evidence of climate change. The book focuses on the latest drilling technologies but also discusses the historical development of sampling, and drilling tools and devices, over the last 60–70 years providing valuable insights into a way forward and future possibilities.

Eduardo Rojas ... 372 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎Bentham Science Publishers; (October, 2022).

Towards A Unified Soil Mechanics Theory demonstrates mathematical models for saturated and unsaturated soils by defining the effective stress equation. Chapters present hydraulic models that simulate water distribution in pores. Parameters from these models are then used to demonstrate the use of an effective stress equation to understand the mechanics of soils that have different material constitutions.

Key Features: - Sequentially explains soil modeling techniques for easy understanding - Demonstrates the use of an effective stress equation based on data from porous-solid models. - Explains how porous-solid models can simulate the soilwater retention curves of materials. - Establishes an elastoplastic framework for the volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils that is used to simulate the phenomenon of collapse upon wetting and the behavior of expansive soils. - Explains the practical application of fully a coupled hydro-mechanical (critical state) soil model - Includes scientific references for further reading.

The third edition includes additional information on retention curves in deforming curves, the application of a coupled hydro-mechanical model simulating undrained tests and the behavior of soils during static compaction, and the use of a porous-solid model to develop a fully analytical equation for the relative hydraulic conductivity of soils. The new chapters also cover the experimental parameters used to derive the models. This edition also updates material from previous editions, and adds new scientific references. Towards A Unified Soil Mechanics Theory paves the way for a universal theory of soil mechanics that has a wide range of applications. The book is a valuable reference to civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, earth scientists and hydrologists interested in soil mechanics at both academic and professional levels.

Robert D. Holtz, William D. Kovacs, Thomas C. Sheahan ... Language: English - Publisher: ‎Pearson; 3rd edition (July, 2022) - ISBN-13: 9780137604388.

An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering offers a descriptive, elementary introduction to geotechnical engineering with applications to civil engineering practice. It focuses on the engineering classification, behavior and properties of soils necessary for the design and construction of foundations and earth structures.

Jean-Louis Briaud ... 1024 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (October, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470948566 - ISBN-13: 978-0470948569.

The first introductory geotechnical engineering textbook to cover both saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics: Most books designed for an introductory course in geotechnical engineering focus on saturated soil mechanics. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils takes a new approach, based on the fundamentals of unsaturated soils and extends the description to a wide variety of applications.

Written by an international leader in the field, this comprehensive introduction presents geotechnical engineering as dealing with a true three-phase soil while treating saturated soil as a special case, rather than the other way around. It covers numerous topics that reveal the vast domain covered by geotechnical engineering and its important contributions to many elements of infrastructure. It includes, in addition to conventional subjects, a number of topics typically left out of undergraduate geotechnical courses, such as: Engineering geology + Rocks + Site investigation and in situ tests + Geophysics + Problem solving methods and soil models + Thermodynamics for soils + Earthquake geo-engineering + Erosion + Geoenvironmental + Geosynthetics + Ground improvement+ Technical communications. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils takes students beyond the usual confines of an undergraduate introduction to become a useful reference as they enter graduate studies or begin their careers.

Dimitrios Kolymbas ... 199 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press; (August, 2022).

A Primer to Theoretical Soil Mechanics is about adapting continuum mechanics to granular materials. The field of continuum mechanics offers many fruitful concepts and methods, however there is declining interest in the field due to its complex and fragmented nature. This book's purpose is therefore to facilitate the understanding of the theoretical principles of soil mechanics, as well as introducing the new theory of barodesy. This title argues for barodesy as a simple alternative to the plasticity theory used currently and provides a systematic insight into this new constitutive model for granular materials. This book therefore introduces a complex field from a fresh and innovative perspective using simple concepts, succinct equations and explanatory sketches. Intended for advanced undergraduates, graduates and PhD students, this title is also apt for researchers seeking advanced training on fundamental topics.

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