
Charles W.W. Ng, Chao Zhou, Junjun Ni ... Language: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (October, 2024).

Unsaturated soil is a three-phase material that is ubiquitous on the Earth’s surface and exhibits complex behaviour, which becomes more complex in response to the Earth’s changing climate and increasing engineering activities. This is because the former affects its moisture and temperature conditions significantly and the latter governs its stress state and suction condition. This book is designed to meet the increasing challenges of climate change and engineering activities by covering the mechanics and engineering of unsaturated soil in a logical manner.

It comprises four major parts: Water retention and flow characteristics + Shear strength and stiffness at various temperatures + State-dependent elasto-plastic constitutive modelling + Field monitoring and engineering applications.

This second edition uniquely covers fundamental topics on unsaturated soil that are not covered in other similar books, including: the state- dependency of soil- water retention behaviour and water permeability functions, such as dependence on engineering activities + small strain stiffness considering the influence of wetting- drying cycles and recent suction history, such as that due to climate change suction effects on dilatancy and peak shear strength cyclic thermal effects on soil behaviour + state- dependent elastoplastic constitutive modelling of monotonic and cyclic behaviour + engineering applications such as the South-to-North Water Transfer Project; an earthen landfill cover system devoid of geomembrane in the Xiaping landfill, Shenzhen; and a 15-m-deep multi- propped excavation in Tianjin, China.

Jianye Ching ... 188 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; (August, 2024).

Bayesian data analysis and modelling linked with machine learning offers a new tool for handling geotechnical data. This book presents recent advancements made by the author in the area of probabilistic geotechnical site characterization.

Two types of correlation play central roles in geotechnical site characterization: cross-correlation among soil properties and spatial-correlation in the underground space. The book starts with the introduction of Bayesian notion of probability “degree of belief”, showing that well-known probability axioms can be obtained by Boolean logic and the definition of plausibility function without the use of the notion “relative frequency”. It then reviews probability theories and useful probability models for cross-correlation and spatial correlation. Methods for Bayesian parameter estimation and prediction are also presented, and the use of these methods demonstrated with geotechnical site characterization examples.

Plaxis 2D and 3D 2024 (v24.02.00.1144) (Size: 4.0 GB) ... The PLAXIS development team is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS 2D and 3D 2024. Perform advanced finite element or limit equilibrium analysis of soil and rock deformation and stability, as well as soil structure interaction, groundwater, and heat flow.

The latest releases of PLAXIS marks our definitive transition to becoming part of Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company, with some minor cosmetic changes and a change to the version numbering. Benefit from workflow enhancements for rock and mining engineers, a new material model and SoilTest options for users working with unsaturated soils. PLAXIS 2D enters the world of subsurface digital twins and PLAXIS Monopile Designer users can improve their designs with additional design criteria. PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user friendly finite element package intended for two-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. Applications range from excavations, embankment and foundations to tunnelling, mining and reservoir geomechanics. PLAXIS is equipped with a broad range of advanced features to model a diverse range of geotechnical problems, all from within a single integrated software package. PLAXIS uses predefined structural elements and loading types in a CAD-like environment. This empowers the user with fast and efficient model creation, allowing more time to interpret the results.

Plaxis 3D is a software for analyzing the finite element stability and soil transformation in geotechnical engineering. The program, with its many features, fully analyzes geotechnical structures from different angles, and this analysis is based on the scientific and theoretical foundations that the researchers of this scientific branch have achieved. Plaxis 3D Foundation defines complex structures consisting of artificial structures and soil in separation modes, and separate work is possible on each mode. This user-friendly product is designed to be highly flexible in modeling and simulation, has a powerful processing core, and performs post-processing processes well. With its various features, this program is one of the best in the field of geotechnical engineering. plaxis is a company that specializes in geotechnical software and in addition to software, conferences and research seminars around the world. The banking software is based on a finite element analysis method that is used effectively in two-dimensional and three-dimensional products. The seminars held by Plexiglas are not about the software software training, but about the transfer of engineering knowledge among the members. Both to improve the quality of their products and to transfer the technical knowledge and achievements of the day among the researchers in this field.

Wengang Zhang, Yanmei Zhang, Runhong Zhang, Yongqin Li, Li Hong, Yuntao Yuan ... 770 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Elsevier; (May, 2024).

Design of Deep Braced Excavation in Urban Geotechnical Environments presents the design and calculation of deep braced excavation in urban geotechnical environments considering the soil characteristics of spatial variability and anisotropy, as well as excavation responses of urban adjacent utilities such as pipelines, tunnels, foundation piles and buildings. With economic development and further urbanization, excavation goes deeper, longer, and larger in scale. These conditions require advanced analysis and design methods.

The text begins with coverage of overall stability, earth pressure and strut force, retaining wall responses, and ground movements. Numerical modeling and computer codes are outlined in detail. The authors then take a close look at the design of jet grouting for deformation control, instrumentation and back analysis for excavation, and the characteristics of deep braced excavation in complex geological environment. The final chapters conclude with an examination of the determination of excavation responses of urban adjacent utilities and failure analysis based on several case histories.

This book provides the latest knowledge in both theory and practical application for geotechnical design engineers working on deep excavation problems. Presents the latest theory and knowledge surrounding deep braced excavations + Systematically outlines theory, field reports, calculations, and back analysis, making it much easier to master the work relevant with deep braced excavations + Provides detailed visual elements and hyperlinks to additional images and video for case excavations to enhance understanding.

Brij B. Gupta, Mamta ... 369 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎World Scientific Publishing Company; (December, 2023).

With the proliferation of information, big data management and analysis have become an indispensable part of any system to handle such amounts of data. The amount of data generated by the multitude of interconnected devices increases exponentially, making the storage and processing of these data a real challenge.

Big data management and analytics have gained momentum in almost every industry, ranging from finance or healthcare. Big data can reveal key insights if handled and analyzed properly; it has great application potential to improve the working of any industry. This book covers the spectrum aspects of big data; from the preliminary level to specific case studies. It will help readers gain knowledge of the big data landscape.

Highlights of the topics covered include description of the Big Data ecosystem; real-world instances of big data issues; how the Vs of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, valence, and value) affect data collection, monitoring, storage, analysis, and reporting; structural process to get value out of Big Data and recognize the differences between a standard database management system and a big data management system.

Readers will gain insights into choice of data models, data extraction, data integration to solve large data problems, data modelling using machine learning techniques, Spark's scalable machine learning techniques, modeling a big data problem into a graph database and performing scalable analytical operations over the graph and different tools and techniques for processing big data and its applications including in healthcare and finance.

Jeffrey Paul Wheeler ... 474 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎Chapman and Hall/CRC; (December, 2023).

The primary goal of this text is a practical one. Equipping students with enough knowledge and creating an independent research platform, the author strives to prepare students for professional careers. Providing students with a marketable skill set requires topics from many areas of optimization. The initial goal of this text is to develop a marketable skill set for mathematics majors as well as for students of engineering, computer science, economics, statistics, and business. Optimization reaches into many different fields.

This text provides a balance where one is needed. Mathematics optimization books are often too heavy on theory without enough applications; texts aimed at business students are often strong on applications, but weak on math. The book represents an attempt at overcoming this imbalance for all students taking such a course.

The book contains many practical applications but also explains the mathematics behind the techniques, including stating definitions and proving theorems. Optimization techniques are at the heart of the first spam filters, are used in self-driving cars, play a great role in machine learning, and can be used in such places as determining a batting order in a Major League Baseball game. Additionally, optimization has seemingly limitless other applications in business and industry. In short, knowledge of this subject offers an individual both a very marketable skill set for a wealth of jobs as well as useful tools for research in many academic disciplines.

Many of the problems rely on using a computer. Microsoft’s Excel is most often used, as this is common in business, but Python and other languages are considered. The consideration of other programming languages permits experienced mathematics and engineering students to use MATLAB® or Mathematica, and the computer science students to write their own programs in Java or Python.

Tanvir Mustafy, T. Ur Rahman ... 281 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎Springer; (January, 2024).

This textbook summarizes the different statistical, scientific, and financial data analysis methods for users ranging from a high school level to a professional level. It aims to combine the data analysis methods using three different programs—Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and MATLAB. The book combining the different data analysis tools is a unique approach. The book presents a variety of real-life problems in data analysis and machine learning, delivering the best solution. Analysis methods presented in this book include but are not limited to, performing various algebraic and trigonometric operations, regression modeling, and correlation, as well as plotting graphs and charts to represent the results. Fundamental concepts of applied statistics are also explained here, with illustrative examples. Thus, this book presents a pioneering solution to help a wide range of students, researchers, and professionals learn data processing, interpret different findings derived from the analyses,and apply them to their research or professional fields.

The book also includes worked examples of practical problems. The primary focus behind designing these examples is understanding the concepts of data analysis and how it can solve problems. The chapters include practice exercises to assist users in enhancing their skills to execute statistical analysis calculations using software instead of relying on tables for probabilities and percentiles in the present world.

Dothang Truong ... 577 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (February, 2024) - ISBN-10:‎ 0367755386 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-0367755386.

As data continues to grow exponentially, knowledge of data science and machine learning has become more crucial than ever. Machine learning has grown exponentially; however, the abundance of resources can be overwhelming, making it challenging for new learners. This book aims to address this disparity and cater to learners from various non-technical fields, enabling them to utilize machine learning effectively.

Adopting a hands-on approach, readers are guided through practical implementations using real datasets and SAS Enterprise Miner, a user-friendly data mining software that requires no programming. Throughout the chapters, two large datasets are used consistently, allowing readers to practice all stages of the data mining process within a cohesive project framework. This book also provides specific guidelines and examples on presenting data mining results and reports, enhancing effective communication with stakeholders.

Designed as a guiding companion for both beginners and experienced practitioners, this book targets a wide audience, including students, lecturers, researchers, and industry professionals from various backgrounds.

Dawn Griffiths - 589 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎O'Reilly Media; (June, 2024) - ISBN-10: ‎1098143329 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1098143329.

Filled with tips, tricks, and techniques, this easy-to-use book is the perfect resource. You'll find more than 350 recipes for over a dozen topics covering formulas, PivotTables, charts, Power Query, and more. Each recipe poses a particular problem and outlines a solution that you can put to use right away—without having to comb through tutorial pages.

Whether you're a data analyst, project manager, financial analyst, or regular Excel user, author Dawn Griffiths directs you straight to the answers you need. Ideal as a quick reference, Excel Cookbook is also perfect for learning how to work in a more efficient way, leading to greater productivity on the job. With this book, you'll jump in and get answers to your questions—fast.

Build compelling charts and use Sparklines, 3D Maps, and other visualizations + Use PivotTables to slice, dice, and summarize datasets + Perform statistical and financial analyses using formulas, Forecast Sheets, the Analysis ToolPak, and more + Master dynamic array functions such as SEQUENCE, TEXTSPLIT, and FILTER + Use Power Query to import, shape, and combine datasets + Create custom functions using LAMBDA formulas + Use developer options to write VBA code and create custom UserForms.

Felix Zumstein ... 335 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎O'Reilly Media; (April, 2021) - ISBN-10: 1492081000 - ISBN-13: 978-1492081005.

While Excel remains ubiquitous in the business world, recent Microsoft feedback forums are full of requests to include Python as an Excel scripting language. In fact, it's the top feature requested. What makes this combination so compelling? In this hands-on guide, Felix Zumstein--creator of xlwings, a popular open source package for automating Excel with Python--shows experienced Excel users how to integrate these two worlds efficiently.

Excel has added quite a few new capabilities over the past couple of years, but its automation language, VBA, stopped evolving a long time ago. Many Excel power users have already adopted Python for daily automation tasks. This guide gets you started

Use Python without extensive programming knowledge + Get started with modern tools, including Jupyter notebooks and Visual Studio code + Use pandas to acquire, clean, and analyze data and replace typical Excel calculations + Automate tedious tasks like consolidation of Excel workbooks and production of Excel reports + Use xlwings to build interactive Excel tools that use Python as a calculation engine + Connect Excel to databases and CSV files and fetch data from the internet using Python code + Use Python as a single tool to replace VBA, Power Query, and Power Pivot.

David Mertz ... 288 pages - Language: English - Publisher: ‎Addison-Wesley Professional; (November, 2023).

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is used everywhere from primary school education to workaday web development, to the most advanced scientific research institutes of the world. However, like all programming languages, Python has a collection of "Pythonic" ways of accomplishing tasks that are easy to overlook, especially when habits are borrowed wholesale from work in other programming languages. Better Python Code is a guide to Pythonic programming. The book presents common mistakes that Python developers make--even Python developers who have used the language for years--often because Python sometimes presents "attractive nuisances." Throughout, the book is a guide to better programming in the core Python language.

Each section shows a concrete but concise example of some misunderstanding or bad habit in action. Each section contains a description of what is wrong with the sample code and a suggestion for one or more better ways to code equivalent functionality without the initial pitfall. Every pitfall addressed in this book reflects foibles, errors, and misunderstandings that the author as seen in concrete, widely used code bases written by experienced developers, over his 25 years of writing Python. The sections of this book each present some mistake, pitfall, or foible that developers can easily fall into, and are accompanied by descriptions of ways to avoid making them. At times those solutions simply involve a minor change in “spelling,” but in most cases they require a nuance of thought and design in your code. Many of the discussions do something else as well…

Carmine Vittoria ... Publisher:‎ CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2023) - Language: ‎English.

Future microwave, wireless communication systems, computer chip designs, and sensor systems will require miniature fabrication processes in the order of nanometers or less as well as the fusion of various material technologies to produce composites consisting of many different materials. This requires distinctly multidisciplinary collaborations, implying that specialized approaches will not be able to address future world markets in communication, computer, and electronic miniaturized products.

Anticipating that many students lack specialized simultaneous training in magnetism and magnetics, as well as in other material technologies, Magnetics, Dielectrics, and Wave Propagation with MATLABR Codes avoids application-specific descriptions, opting for a general point of view of materials per se. Specifically, this book develops a general theory to show how a magnetic system of spins is coupled to acoustic motions, magnetoelectric systems, and superconductors. Phenomenological approaches are connected to atomic-scale formulations that reduce complex calculations to essential forms and address basic interactions at any scale of dimensionalities. With simple and clear coverage of everything from first principles to calculation tools, the book revisits fundamentals that govern magnetic, acoustic, superconducting, and magnetoelectric motions at the atomic and macroscopic scales, including superlattices. Constitutive equations in Maxwell’s equations are introduced via general free energy expressions which include magnetic parameters as well as acoustic, magnetoelectric, semiconductor, and superconducting parameters derived from first principles. More importantly, this book facilitates the derivation of these parameters, as the dimensionality of materials is reduced toward the microscopic scale, thus introducing new concepts. The deposition of ferrite films at the atomic scale complements the approach toward the understanding of the physics of miniaturized composites. Thus, a systematic formalism of deriving the permeability or the magnetoelectric coupling tensors from first principles, rather than from an ad hoc approach, bridges the gap between microscopic and macroscopic principles as applied to wave propagation and other applications.

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